The Cocoa Touch frameworks provide the general capabilities needed by any iOS application. Buttons can be tapped, text can be read, screens of interface can succeed one another, because Cocoa makes it so. To use the framework, you must learn to let the framework use you. You must put your code in the right place so that it will be called at the right time. You must fulfill certain obligations that Cocoa expects of you. You master Cocoa by being Cocoa’s obedient servant. In this part of the book, that’s what you’ll learn to do.
Chapter 10 describes how Cocoa is organized and structured through such Objective-C language features as subclassing, categories, and protocols. Then some important built-in Cocoa object types are introduced. The chapter concludes with a description of Cocoa key–value coding and a look at how the root NSObject class is organized.
Chapter 11 presents Cocoa’s event-driven model of activity, along with its major design patterns and event-related features — notifications, delegation, data sources, target–action, the responder chain, and key–value observing. The chapter concludes with some words of wisdom about managing the barrage of events Cocoa will be throwing at you, and how to escape that barrage momentarily with delayed performance.
Chapter 12 is about Cocoa memory management. I’ll explain how memory management of reference types works. Then some special memory management situations are described: autorelease pools, retain cycles, notifications and timers, nib loading, and CFTypeRefs. The chapter concludes with a discussion of Cocoa property memory management, and advice on how to debug memory management issues.
Chapter 13 discusses the question of how your objects are going to see and communicate with one another within the confines of the Cocoa-based world. It concludes with a look at two new ways of managing object communications, the Combine framework and SwiftUI.
Finally, don’t forget to read Appendix A for more detail about how Objective-C and Swift interact and cooperate.