

Returns a CVaListPointer that is backed by autoreleased storage, built from the given array of arguments.


func getVaList(_ args: [CVarArg]) -> CVaListPointer



An array of arguments to convert to a C va_list pointer.

Return Value

A pointer that can be used with C functions that take a va_list argument.


You should prefer withVaList(_:_:) instead of this function. In some uses, such as in a class initializer, you may find that the language rules do not allow you to use withVaList(_:_:) as intended.

If you need to pass an optional pointer as a CVarArg argument, use the Int(bitPattern:) initializer to interpret the optional pointer as an Int value, which has the same C variadic calling conventions as a pointer on all supported platforms.

See Also

C Variadic Functions

func withVaList<R>([CVarArg], (CVaListPointer) -> R) -> R

Invokes the given closure with a C va_list argument derived from the given array of arguments.

struct CVaListPointer

A wrapper around a C va_list pointer.

protocol CVarArg

A type whose instances can be encoded, and appropriately passed, as elements of a C va_list.