Generic Function


Returns the dynamic type of a value.


func type<T, Metatype>(of value: T) -> Metatype



The value for which to find the dynamic type.

Return Value

The dynamic type, which is a metatype instance.


You can use the type(of:) function to find the dynamic type of a value, particularly when the dynamic type is different from the static type. The static type of a value is the known, compile-time type of the value. The dynamic type of a value is the value’s actual type at run-time, which can be a subtype of its concrete type.

In the following code, the count variable has the same static and dynamic type: Int. When count is passed to the printInfo(_:) function, however, the value parameter has a static type of Any (the type declared for the parameter) and a dynamic type of Int.

func printInfo(_ value: Any) {
    let t = type(of: value)
    print("'\(value)' of type '\(t)'")

let count: Int = 5
// '5' of type 'Int'

The dynamic type returned from type(of:) is a concrete metatype (T.Type) for a class, structure, enumeration, or other nonprotocol type T, or an existential metatype (P.Type) for a protocol or protocol composition P. When the static type of the value passed to type(of:) is constrained to a class or protocol, you can use that metatype to access initializers or other static members of the class or protocol.

For example, the parameter passed as value to the printSmileyInfo(_:) function in the example below is an instance of the Smiley class or one of its subclasses. The function uses type(of:) to find the dynamic type of value, which itself is an instance of the Smiley.Type metatype.

class Smiley {
    class var text: String {
        return ":)"

class EmojiSmiley : Smiley {
     override class var text: String {
        return "😀"

func printSmileyInfo(_ value: Smiley) {
    let smileyType = type(of: value)
    print("Smile!", smileyType.text)

let emojiSmiley = EmojiSmiley()
// Smile! 😀

In this example, accessing the text property of the smileyType metatype retrieves the overridden value from the EmojiSmiley subclass, instead of the Smiley class’s original definition.

Finding the Dynamic Type in a Generic Context

Normally, you don’t need to be aware of the difference between concrete and existential metatypes, but calling type(of:) can yield unexpected results in a generic context with a type parameter bound to a protocol. In a case like this, where a generic parameter T is bound to a protocol P, the type parameter is not statically known to be a protocol type in the body of the generic function. As a result, type(of:) can only produce the concrete metatype P.Protocol.

The following example defines a printGenericInfo(_:) function that takes a generic parameter and declares the String type’s conformance to a new protocol P. When printGenericInfo(_:) is called with a string that has P as its static type, the call to type(of:) returns P.self instead of String.self (the dynamic type inside the parameter).

func printGenericInfo<T>(_ value: T) {
    let t = type(of: value)
    print("'\(value)' of type '\(t)'")

protocol P {}
extension String: P {}

let stringAsP: P = "Hello!"
// 'Hello!' of type 'P'

This unexpected result occurs because the call to type(of: value) inside printGenericInfo(_:) must return a metatype that is an instance of T.Type, but String.self (the expected dynamic type) is not an instance of P.Type (the concrete metatype of value). To get the dynamic type inside value in this generic context, cast the parameter to Any when calling type(of:).

func betterPrintGenericInfo<T>(_ value: T) {
    let t = type(of: value as Any)
    print("'\(value)' of type '\(t)'")

// 'Hello!' of type 'String'

See Also

Querying Runtime Values

struct Mirror

A representation of the substructure and display style of an instance of any type.

struct ObjectIdentifier

A unique identifier for a class instance or metatype.

func == (Any.Type?, Any.Type?) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two types are identical.

func != (Any.Type?, Any.Type?) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two types are not identical.