Instance Method


Exchanges the values at the specified indices of the collection.


mutating func swapAt(_ i: Int, _ j: Int)



The index of the first value to swap.


The index of the second value to swap.


Both parameters must be valid indices of the collection that are not equal to endIndex. Calling swapAt(_:_:) with the same index as both i and j has no effect.

Complexity: O(1)

See Also

Reordering an Array's Elements

func sort()

Sorts the collection in place.

func sort(by: (Element, Element) -> Bool)

Sorts the collection in place, using the given predicate as the comparison between elements.

func sorted() -> [Element]

Returns the elements of the sequence, sorted.

func sorted(by: (Element, Element) -> Bool) -> [Element]

Returns the elements of the sequence, sorted using the given predicate as the comparison between elements.

func reverse()

Reverses the elements of the collection in place.

func reversed() -> ReversedCollection<Array<Element>>

Returns a view presenting the elements of the collection in reverse order.

func shuffle()

Shuffles the collection in place.

func shuffle<T>(using: inout T)

Shuffles the collection in place, using the given generator as a source for randomness.

func shuffled() -> [Element]

Returns the elements of the sequence, shuffled.

func shuffled<T>(using: inout T) -> [Element]

Returns the elements of the sequence, shuffled using the given generator as a source for randomness.

func partition(by: (Element) -> Bool) -> Int

Reorders the elements of the collection such that all the elements that match the given predicate are after all the elements that don’t match.