Generic Subscript


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subscript<R>(r: R) -> ArraySlice<Element> where R : RangeExpression, Self.Index == R.Bound { get set }

See Also

Accessing Elements

subscript(Int) -> Element

Accesses the element at the specified position.

var first: Element?

The first element of the collection.

var last: Element?

The last element of the collection.

subscript(Range<Int>) -> ArraySlice<Element>

Accesses a contiguous subrange of the array’s elements.

subscript(Range<Int>) -> Slice<Array<Element>>

Accesses a contiguous subrange of the collection’s elements.

subscript<R>(R) -> ArraySlice<Element>

Accesses the contiguous subrange of the collection’s elements specified by a range expression.

func randomElement() -> Element?

Returns a random element of the collection.

func randomElement<T>(using: inout T) -> Element?

Returns a random element of the collection, using the given generator as a source for randomness.