Instance Method


Returns the elements of this sequence of sequences, concatenated.


func joined() -> FlattenSequence<ArraySlice<Element>>
Available when Element conforms to Sequence.

Return Value

A flattened view of the elements of this sequence of sequences.


In this example, an array of three ranges is flattened so that the elements of each range can be iterated in turn.

let ranges = [0..<3, 8..<10, 15..<17]

// A for-in loop over 'ranges' accesses each range:
for range in ranges {
// Prints "0..<3"
// Prints "8..<10"
// Prints "15..<17"

// Use 'joined()' to access each element of each range:
for index in ranges.joined() {
    print(index, terminator: " ")
// Prints: "0 1 2 8 9 15 16"