Type Alias


The C ‘short’ type.


typealias CShort = Int16

See Also

Aliases for Imported C Types

typealias CBool

The C ‘_Bool’ and C++ ‘bool’ type.

typealias CChar

The C ‘char’ type.

typealias CChar16

The C++11 ‘char16_t’ type, which has UTF-16 encoding.

typealias CChar32

The C++11 ‘char32_t’ type, which has UTF-32 encoding.

typealias CDouble

The C ‘double’ type.

typealias CFloat

The C ‘float’ type.

typealias CInt

The C ‘int’ type.

typealias CLong

The C ‘long’ type.

typealias CLongLong

The C ‘long long’ type.

typealias CSignedChar

The C ‘signed char’ type.

typealias CUnsignedChar

The C ‘unsigned char’ type.

typealias CUnsignedInt

The C ‘unsigned int’ type.

typealias CUnsignedLong

The C ‘unsigned long’ type.

typealias CUnsignedLongLong

The C ‘unsigned long long’ type.

typealias CUnsignedShort

The C ‘unsigned short’ type.

typealias CWideChar

The C++ ‘wchar_t’ type.