Instance Property


A Boolean value indicating whether the instance is subnormal.


var isSubnormal: Bool { get }


A subnormal value is a nonzero number that has a lesser magnitude than the smallest normal number. Subnormal values do not use the full precision available to values of a type.

Zero is neither a normal nor a subnormal number. Subnormal numbers are often called denormal or denormalized—these are different names for the same concept.


From Protocol

See Also

Querying a Double's State

var isZero: Bool

A Boolean value indicating whether the instance is equal to zero.

var isFinite: Bool

A Boolean value indicating whether this instance is finite.

var isInfinite: Bool

A Boolean value indicating whether the instance is infinite.

var isNaN: Bool

A Boolean value indicating whether the instance is NaN (“not a number”).

var isSignalingNaN: Bool

A Boolean value indicating whether the instance is a signaling NaN.

var isNormal: Bool

A Boolean value indicating whether this instance is normal.

var isCanonical: Bool

A Boolean value indicating whether the instance’s representation is in the canonical form.