Instance Property


The floating-point value with the same sign and exponent as this value, but with a significand of 1.0.


var binade: Double { get }


A binade is a set of binary floating-point values that all have the same sign and exponent. The binade property is a member of the same binade as this value, but with a unit significand.

In this example, x has a value of 21.5, which is stored as 1.34375 * 2**4, where ** is exponentiation. Therefore, x.binade is equal to 1.0 * 2**4, or 16.0.

let x = 21.5
// x.significand == 1.34375
// x.exponent == 4

let y = x.binade
// y == 16.0
// y.significand == 1.0
// y.exponent == 4


From Protocol

See Also

Querying a Double

var ulp: Double

The unit in the last place of this value.

var significand: Double

The significand of the floating-point value.

var exponent: Int

The exponent of the floating-point value.

var nextUp: Double

The least representable value that compares greater than this value.

var nextDown: Double

The greatest representable value that compares less than this value.