A key path from a specific root type to a specific resulting value type.
- Xcode 9.0+
- Swift Standard Library
A key path from a specific root type to a specific resulting value type.
func appending<Root, Appended Root, Appended Value>(path: Reference Writable Key Path<Appended Root, Appended Value>) -> Reference Writable Key Path<Root, Appended Value>?
Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.
func appending<Root, Value, Appended Value>(path: Writable Key Path<Value, Appended Value>) -> Reference Writable Key Path<Root, Appended Value>
Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.
func appending<Root, Appended Root, Appended Value>(path: Key Path<Appended Root, Appended Value>) -> Key Path<Root, Appended Value>?
Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.
func appending<Root, Value, Appended Value>(path: Reference Writable Key Path<Value, Appended Value>) -> Reference Writable Key Path<Root, Appended Value>
Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.
func appending<Root, Value, Appended Value>(path: Writable Key Path<Value, Appended Value>) -> Writable Key Path<Root, Appended Value>
Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.
func appending(path: Any Key Path) -> Any Key Path?
Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.
func appending<Root, Value, Appended Value>(path: Key Path<Value, Appended Value>) -> Key Path<Root, Appended Value>
Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.
func appending<Root>(path: Any Key Path) -> Partial Key Path<Root>?
Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.
func appending<Root, Value, Appended Value>(path: Reference Writable Key Path<Value, Appended Value>) -> Reference Writable Key Path<Root, Appended Value>
Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.
static func != (Key Path<Root, Value>, Key Path<Root, Value>) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
class Partial Key Path
A partially type-erased key path, from a concrete root type to any resulting value type.
class Any Key Path
A type-erased key path, from any root type to any resulting value type. NOTE: older runtimes had Swift.AnyKeyPath as the ObjC name. The two must coexist, so it was renamed. The old name must not be used in the new runtime. _TtCs11_AnyKeyPath is the mangled name for Swift._AnyKeyPath.
protocol _Append Key Path
An implementation detail of key path expressions; do not use this protocol directly.