Generic Instance Method


Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is a superset of the given sequence.


func isSuperset<S>(of possibleSubset: S) -> Bool where Element == S.Element, S : Sequence



A sequence of elements. possibleSubset must be finite.

Return Value

true if the set is a superset of possibleSubset; otherwise, false.


Set A is a superset of another set B if every member of B is also a member of A.

let employees: Set = ["Alicia", "Bethany", "Chris", "Diana", "Eric"]
let attendees = ["Alicia", "Bethany", "Diana"]
print(employees.isSuperset(of: attendees))
// Prints "true"

See Also

Comparing Sets

static func == (Set<Element>, Set<Element>) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two sets have equal elements.

static func != (Set<Element>, Set<Element>) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.

func isSubset(of: Set<Element>) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether this set is a subset of the given set.

func isSubset<S>(of: S) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is a subset of the given sequence.

func isStrictSubset(of: Set<Element>) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is a strict subset of the given sequence.

func isStrictSubset<S>(of: S) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is a strict subset of the given sequence.

func isSuperset(of: Set<Element>) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether this set is a superset of the given set.

func isStrictSuperset(of: Set<Element>) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is a strict superset of the given sequence.

func isStrictSuperset<S>(of: S) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set is a strict superset of the given sequence.

func isDisjoint(with: Set<Element>) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether this set has no members in common with the given set.

func isDisjoint<S>(with: S) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the set has no members in common with the given sequence.