

Accesses the character at the given position.


subscript(i: String.Index) -> Character { get }



A valid index of the string. i must be less than the string’s end index.


You can use the same indices for subscripting a string and its substring. For example, this code finds the first letter after the first space:

let str = "Greetings, friend! How are you?"
let firstSpace = str.firstIndex(of: " ") ?? str.endIndex
let substr = str[firstSpace...]
if let nextCapital = substr.firstIndex(where: { $0 >= "A" && $0 <= "Z" }) {
    print("Capital after a space: \(str[nextCapital])")
// Prints "Capital after a space: H"

See Also

Getting Characters and Bytes

var first: Character?

The first element of the collection.

var last: Character?

The last element of the collection.

func randomElement() -> Character?

Returns a random element of the collection.

func randomElement<T>(using: inout T) -> Character?

Returns a random element of the collection, using the given generator as a source for randomness.