A view of a string’s contents as a collection of Unicode scalar values.
Xcode 6.0.1+
Swift Standard Library
You can access a string’s view of Unicode scalar values by using its unicodeScalars property. Unicode scalar values are the 21-bit codes that are the basic unit of Unicode. Each scalar value is represented by a Unicode.Scalar instance and is equivalent to a UTF-32 code unit.
Some characters that are visible in a string are made up of more than one Unicode scalar value. In that case, a string’s unicodeScalars view contains more elements than the string itself.
You can convert a String.UnicodeScalarView instance back into a string using the String type’s init(_:) initializer.
Returns the difference needed to produce this collection’s ordered elements from the given collection, using the given predicate as an equivalence test.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether this sequence and another sequence contain equivalent elements in the same order, using the given predicate as the equivalence test.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence precedes another sequence in a lexicographical (dictionary) ordering, using the less-than operator (<) to compare elements.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence precedes another sequence in a lexicographical (dictionary) ordering, using the given predicate to compare elements.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the initial elements of the sequence are equivalent to the elements in another sequence, using the given predicate as the equivalence test.
Call body(p), where p is a pointer to the collection’s contiguous storage. If no such storage exists, it is first created. If the collection does not support an internal representation in a form of contiguous storage, body is not called and nil is returned.