Numeric Protocols

Write generic code that works with any numeric type.


Basic Arithmetic

protocol AdditiveArithmetic

A type with values that support addition and subtraction.

protocol Numeric

A type with values that support multiplication.

protocol SignedNumeric

A type that can represent both positive and negative values.

protocol Strideable

A type representing continuous, one-dimensional values that can be offset and measured.


protocol BinaryInteger

An integer type with a binary representation.

protocol FixedWidthInteger

An integer type that uses a fixed size for every instance.

protocol SignedInteger

An integer type that can represent both positive and negative values.

protocol UnsignedInteger

An integer type that can represent only nonnegative values.

Floating Point

protocol FloatingPoint

A floating-point numeric type.

protocol BinaryFloatingPoint

A radix-2 (binary) floating-point type.

See Also

Advanced Numerics

Special-Use Numeric Types

Work with fixed-width numeric types of different sizes.

SIMD Vector Types

Work with fixed-width vectors of fixed-width numeric types of different sizes.

Global Numeric Functions

Use these functions with numeric values and other comparable types.