The supported C language standard to use for compiling C sources in the package.
- Xcode 10.2+
- Swift Package Manager
The supported C language standard to use for compiling C sources in the package.
case c89
The identifier for the C89 language standard.
case c90
The identifier for the C90 language standard.
case c99
The identifier for the C99 language standard.
case c11
The identifier for the C11 language standard.
case gnu11
The identifier for the GNU11 language standard.
case gnu89
The identifier for the GNU89 language standard.
case gnu90
The identifier for the GNU90 language standard.
case gnu99
The identifier for the GNU99 language standard.
case iso9899 _1990
The identifier for the ISO9899-1990 language standard.
case iso9899 _199409
The identifier for the ISO9899-199409 language standard.
case iso9899 _1999
The identifier for the ISO9899-1999 language standard.
case iso9899 _2011
The identifier for the ISO9899-2011 language standard.
func encode(to: Encoder)
Encodes this value into the given encoder, when the type’s Raw
is String
func hash(into: inout Hasher)
Hashes the C language standard by feeding the item into the given hasher.
var hash Value: Int
The hash value for the C language standard.
static func != (CLanguage Standard, CLanguage Standard) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
enum Swift Version
The version of the Swift language to use for compiling Swift sources in the package.
enum CXXLanguage Standard
The supported C++ language standards to use for compiling C++ sources in the package.
var swift Language Versions: [Swift Version]?
The list of Swift versions that this package is compatible with.
var c Language Standard: CLanguage Standard?
The C language standard to use for all C targets in this package.
var cxx Language Standard: CXXLanguage Standard?
The C++ language standard to use for all C++ targets in this package.