Client "L", Session December 3, 2012: Client discusses shopping with her daughter, her sex life, and her boyfriend. trial

in Neo-Kleinian Psychoanalytic Approach Collection by Anonymous Male Therapist; presented by Anonymous (Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2013), 1 page(s)



THERAPIST: I just have to make sure that the woman will let me do it. Do you know the office next door to me? There are two offices that are completely empty on Fridays and I'm sure they'd give me an hour over there.

CLIENT: Okay. We were going to look for a time for me to come in the week you get back from vacation. We've got plenty of time, I guess.

THERAPIST: No, we want to figure that out.

CLIENT: I guess you're coming back on the 2nd?

THERAPIST: Yeah. What if we did 11:45 on Wednesday?

CLIENT: Okay here? [00:00:57]

THERAPIST: Yeah. Well, it might not be if this gets... I mean if it just feels like too much, just let me know. What do you think so far? Does it feel like that's going to be too much?

CLIENT: No. It seems all right. I'm not going to be having my hand surgery until January. I might be out because this is the hand I hold onto a railing with. Of course, I climb up the stairs. I've done that before with one hand.

THERAPIST: We're not going to have you do that. (laughs) We'll definitely find a way. If we need to do it temporarily, I'm sure that will be fine. If you have surgery and you can't make it in we can do that. If worse comes to worse we can always do a phone session, but I know that's going to be a bear.

Those stairs are not easy. [00:02:07]

CLIENT: Not when you have two bum knees.

THERAPIST: Not when you have two bum knees. I don't even think you could have made it a year ago.

CLIENT: No, I couldn't. Let me tell you about my lovely dermatologist visit. The doctor tells me that they now have a dermatologist on staff there, so he made me make an appointment with the dermatologist. I went to see the dermatologist and she told me "I'm an internal medicine doctor. I'm not a dermatologist, but I have an interest in it." I tell myself, "Oh, okay." She's going to tell me what's wrong, why I have these pimples that are on my head that come out. They're so itchy that I wind up scratching them and all this stuff. She says, "Well, I only see one there. It looks like it has pus. Let me stick a needle in it and take a little of the fluid out of it and send it to the lab." I said, "Sure, why not," so she did that. [00:03:44] She said, "I'm going to order you some cream to put on your scalp. You don't want to put it on all over, just the ones that are itchy." I'm like, "Asshole, they're all itchy." That was the end of the visit. I said, "No, no, no, no. Wait a minute. I have a rash under my breast that needs to be looked at, too. I think it's only a yeast infection." She said, "Well, let me see it." I know he put down in his note the reason why I was going there. [00:04:26]

THERAPIST: It was mostly for the breast rash.

CLIENT: It was the head and then the breast.

THERAPIST: But he put it down that it was the rash.

CLIENT: She said to me, "Do you use Nystatin?" I said I use the powder. She said, "What about the cream?" I said, "I haven't used that in a long time." "Oh, no. Let me give you a prescription for that." She didn't give me a prescription for Nystatin. She gave me a prescription for something else, but it works the same. She said, "I want you to apply that twice a day and then use the powder once a day." I'm like, "Okay, sure." And as I said, the stuff on the head. Deborah has the same medicine in the shampoo form, so I used her shampoo. The lady tells me to go buy Selsun Blue and not use the Denorex. I use Head and Shoulders. The Selsun Blue costs me $9.99 out of my own pocket, why not just give me a prescription for the other and I won't have to pay anything for it. I said, "Okay, this is just stupid." [00:05:42]

THERAPIST: That's because they're not paying the money. They're not thinking like that.

CLIENT: Here I am thinking I'm going to see a dermatologist. When you go in they have you change your clothes and put on a johnny (ph?) so they can see if there are any moles or anything.

THERAPIST: They do a thorough... So you were clothed?

CLIENT: I was clothed. And when she tells me, "I'm not a dermatologist, but I have an interest in it," I felt like saying, "Well, I'm an exterminator, but I'm really not but I have an interest in bugs." It was just plain stupid. Stupid. [00:06:29]

THERAPIST: Yeah. What was he thinking?

CLIENT: I have no idea. He's going to get me in next week. Maybe I'll bring in a bug collection to show him.

THERAPIST: Give him an example.

CLIENT: Yeah, of the bug...

THERAPIST: There's a difference between being interested and being an expert.

CLIENT: (laughs) Oh, God, I tell you. Gone. I can just say I trained for body builders; I do the training for them.

THERAPIST: I watch a lot on TV.

CLIENT: (laughs) I'm dating one.

THERAPIST: I date one. Yes.

CLIENT: I mean, just plain stupid. Where does he get these wonderful ideas? That's like taking your car to a mechanic and they guy is a baker in a bakery, but he has an interest in cars. So now I'm going to have to make an appointment to see a dermatologist a real one because I have a couple of things on my face that I want to have looked at. My mother had cancer, melanoma, my brother did and my father did. [00:08:01]

THERAPIST: And so she didn't check any of that stuff out?

CLIENT: No. No. The only thing she was interested in was the head. Nothing else. Nothing to see if I had any warts that were you know moles that changed.

THERAPIST: Yeah, so it really wasn't a dermatology consult. We'll check out the specific complaint and that's it; and you had to remind her of one.

CLIENT: She wrote out the prescription for the carton not the powder and then another one for the head and told me to go buy Selsun Blue. Why not just give me a prescription for the cheaper.

THERAPIST: I guess I'm thinking, too, with these doctors you've got to really tell them how they're supposed to be helping you. [00:09:06]

CLIENT: Yeah. So I see her again in three weeks or something. I go in on the 20th. I said, "Okay." And I don't know what for.

THERAPIST: Does this woman really take a good, long, hard look at you, too, or is she just trying to get you out the door?

CLIENT: I guess she wants to see how well the results are working, but in the meantime I will make an appointment with a regular dermatologist that I've been seeing all along.

THERAPIST: Oh, you have? [00:09:53]

CLIENT: Yeah, because they didn't have one at the hospital or anything. I went and saw a private one that I knew before when I worked at the hospital, so you know how many years ago that was. I've been seeing him all along.

THERAPIST: Did Elliott know that?


THERAPIST: Why did he want you to go see this person?

CLIENT: Because she was in the system.

THERAPIST: Why even bother? It pays your insurance? The private one?

CLIENT: Yeah, it took my insurance? I've been getting all of these things about that Medicare D and all this. I get more pieces in the mail about it. I even talked with my pharmacist and he looked it up on the computer. He said, "You don't need any more insurance. You're covered for everything with the insurance you have. I did the assertion for your medications. Louise, what do you pay?" I said, "$1.10." I don't have to pay for the rest because I've already met my quota. He said, "Oh, okay. Fine." [00:11:39] So that was that in a nutshell. (laughs) I give up. I really do. People are just so whacked out. And they're the ones with the degrees. When she shook my hand she just said to me, "I'm really not a dermatologist, I just have an interest in it." I thought to myself, "Oh, okay."

THERAPIST: What did you do yourself [...] (inaudible at 00:12:14) Yeah. Speaking of doctors and people with degrees, I'm one of them. We didn't talk about it much, but how does this move sit with you? Aside from the stairs and everything, what has this meant to you?

CLIENT: Deborah goes, "He's moving again?" I said, "Yes, Deborah, and the worst part about it is it's on the third floor and there's no elevator." "How the hell does he expect you to get up those stairs?" I said, "I don't know, but we'll soon find out when I go there today." So I called her when I was in the waiting room and she said, "Don't tell me you're sitting down at the bottom of the steps?" I said, "No I made it up. I'm in the waiting room." She said, "Oh, all right." I said, "We'll see how long I can last, though." I need the exercise anyway so... [00:13:21]

THERAPIST: It's a good point. I didn't really bring it up with you very much about what the third floor was going to be like for you. I didn't really address it.

CLIENT: I went upstairs before with both hands, I've going down on my rear end, down the steps before, but I can make it.

THERAPIST: It's hard.

CLIENT: Yeah. So... If anybody is coming up the stairs when I'm going down the stairs, they might get rapped with the cane if they try to pass me. (laughs)

THERAPIST: Well, feel free to take them out. Louise, I'll work out a solution. [00:14:21]

CLIENT: It wasn't bad. I can do it. I'll do it for a while until I can't do it.

THERAPIST: Well what I'll do is this: I'll at least have a back-up plan settled because you're absolutely right. I didn't really address it with you and how you were feeling about it. Obviously, it's a big deal. It's a pain in the... you've fallen, too. I wonder why I didn't bring it up? I think in some way I was concerned about it, too, and I probably was just so hopeful that it wouldn't be a problem that I neglected it, to tell you the truth.

CLIENT: Did this used to be an apartment?

THERAPIST: Years ago, yeah. I don't know when they converted it into office space but, yeah, people lived here. [00:15:21]

CLIENT: It must have been well divided, two rooms and a kitchen? That wasn't one whole thing.

THERAPIST: Two rooms and a kitchen?

CLIENT: Yeah. There are more...

THERAPIST: Oh, yeah. When you walked in the door there is a room. That's where the other psychologist in that suite, is in that room and it's a bit bigger than this; so it's probably a three bedroom, one bath? Actually, that's a good question. It was probably a two-bedroom and then it must have used some area for common space. I don't know.

CLIENT: Because when I looked at it, I thought it looked like an old apartment house..

THERAPIST: That's exactly what it is. A lot of these places around here, Louise, are old homes converted into office space. It's so close to the university and people just started to use it for that. [00:16:28]

CLIENT: It would be good money for the realtor.

THERAPIST: Probably. Probably. Yeah, that's probably exactly what it is.

CLIENT: My father's six-family would be from the front of the house to the back of the house for one apartment, and then on the opposite side would be the same thing.

THERAPIST: It was a three-floor and six units?

CLIENT: Seven units, one in the basement.

THERAPIST: Oh, right. That was yours. The one that he made it, though, right? You guys made it, which wasn't so great. Or was it?

CLIENT: Ehh. It was.

THERAPIST: It was okay?

CLIENT: It wasn't bad. We never saw daylight or anything. It was always dark and dingy. (laughs)

THERAPIST: Oh, okay. Yeah, being in the basement.

CLIENT: Yeah. It was all right.

THERAPIST: It sounds like a fairy tale, doesn't it? The daughter put in the basement. [00:17:25]

CLIENT: Yeah. I live in a basement. I can see my kids going to school saying, "Yeah, we live in the cellar." But, no, I didn't mind it. It was nice. Oh I got myself a Kindle last week.

THERAPIST: That's perfect for you.

CLIENT: Yes. Deborah bought it online with my credit card.

THERAPIST: How thoughtful.

CLIENT: On Cyber Monday she got the Kindle Fire for $129.

THERAPIST: Is that right? It was from what to what?

CLIENT: $199 to $129.

THERAPIST: Is that right? What size is it?

CLIENT: It's the full size.

THERAPIST: Like this size? [00:18:27]

CLIENT: Yeah. I was going to bring it with me but I didn't have a cover for it so I said no.

THERAPIST: Oh, yeah. You want a cover for sure.

CLIENT: I've already read two books. I've got a third one that I want to read and Deborah's got games on it.

THERAPIST: And you can just download the books right to it? Are they less expensive to download as opposed to buying them new?

CLIENT: Some of them are free. You can get a lot of free ones. I can get them for 49¢. You can get them for $1.99 all different prices. Like now, I go onto the Alex Patterson/James Patterson's book club, so I go online and pick out the book I want. I think I spent $13.95. On the Kindle I could have bought it for $12.99. [00:19:34]

THERAPIST: So you save a buck or something like that?

CLIENT: Yeah, for the new one. There are other books out there that I read.

THERAPIST: But you can buy them new, hard cover for $13.95?


THERAPIST: And on the Kindle it's...

CLIENT: Yeah, it's on the Kindle.

THERAPIST: I'm surprised it's that cheap hard cover. Aren't they usually like $26?

CLIENT: Yeah. If I buy a hard cover of James Patterson's book, it's $20-some-odd dollars.

THERAPIST: But because you're in the club you get discounts? [00:20:14]

CLIENT: And then yesterday Deborah bought a Playstation III for $249 on I was a Prime member so it was like $299 and she got it for $249, so that's her Christmas present.

THERAPIST: They discount it if you're a Prime member? So that's her Christmas gift, huh?

CLIENT: Yeah. That's what she wanted, so that's her gift. She'll get a few other odds and ends and that's that. I did pretty good, $249.99 for a Kindle no tax; free shipping.

THERAPIST: That's right, they do the free shipping with the Prime, right? But they get it to you in two days if you're Prime.

CLIENT: Yes. She gets it tomorrow. [00:21:26]

THERAPIST: So she went shopping?

CLIENT: She went shopping with my card. Isn't that nice? It was my Kindle and my card information is already in it. I said, "Deborah, I have no way to get to a store if you see it on sale because you won't take the bus with me. So if you find it you find it, if you don't you don't." She found it.

THERAPIST: Yeah, you can't drive anymore.

CLIENT: I said, "What the heck?" I really will tell you, I am so depressed because I don't have a car. I actually honestly don't go out of my apartment. The only time I get out is for my visits to the doctor. I said, "Ooh. Just think, I get ten visits this month." So I can go out ten times and look at the ceiling. [00:22:35]

THERAPIST: Do you ever schedule things later so you can walk around?

CLIENT: Yeah, because sometimes my appointments are like 15 minutes and I tell them to come back in an hour. I like watching the sights. I don't mind sitting in an office in the waiting room just watching the other people that are waiting. I'll read a magazine or read my Kindle.

THERAPIST: Well, there is a ton of stuff to do. There are even coffee shops to go to.

CLIENT: That's what I was asking the guy, because I knew I was early. He used to work in the area. He knew right now to get here.

THERAPIST: There's a good coffee shop nearby. It sometimes can be crowded, but a lot of times there are seats available and you can sit there. [00:23:43]

CLIENT: So Deborah and I have already decided that we're telling cousin Susan we're not going to be home for the Holidays Christmas. We're not having her showing up at our place stoned out of her head. No. No. No. Did I tell you who's finally talking to me again? Kelly. I was going up one day and she was going down and she started talking and I'm like, "She's talking to me?"

THERAPIST: How was it?

CLIENT: It was fine. It was a little awkward I thought. She'd walk by and I'd say "hi" and she won't say anything back to me. But she came to the apartment and was at the door and everything and sat and had a cup of tea or coffee, just like we did before. She and Deborah were good friends all along so I said to Deborah, "She knows I'm still with Mark, doesn't she?" She goes, "Yeah." Okay. Last week I went down to coffee hour. I had my own coffee with me anyway, but I brought down a coffee cake and I said, "If it tastes good, I made it; and if it tastes lousy, Deborah made it." And one of the ladies said, "Are you sure Mark didn't make it?" He's at my house at 8:30 at night. When I get home, he'll be on [...] (inaudible at 00:25:54). His excuse is he has to take the dog for a walk so at 8:30 at night he'll be at my house with the dog. After an hour he goes home. Oh, Jack needs to go out, he's got to go pee. Gone for another hour. It goes on all day long. [00:26:20]

THERAPIST: And Deborah is there some of the time his Deborah?

CLIENT: Yeah. She's there. Now it's going to be a lot worse. Well, I shouldn't say that. Keisha has switched schools. She's now going to a charter school. The mother has to drop her off in the morning. Then when he gets out of work at 11:00 he's got to drive Deborah to work in Melrose and then come back home and leave her I don't know what time Keisha gets out of her school, whether it's 1:00, 1:30 or 2:00, whatever then he has to go and pick her up and then back home again. Then once a week she has to go see her psychologist or psychiatrist or whatever it is she sees. [00:27:20]

THERAPIST: What are you feeling about that?

CLIENT: It doesn't bother me because he'll still be around like hot shit, you know? If he has the time in between to get Keisha, he'll be at the house. Once he picks up Keisha and drops her off at the house, he'll be at the house. So, yeah. Jack thinks my house is his house now. He knows when he's going to get a treat. He's got no discipline. I said, "What do they do up there with him?" They let him jump all over themselves, on the couch and everything. I said, "No, no. You don't do that Jack. Down." He sits down. [00:28:15]

THERAPIST: Like pet, like owner.

CLIENT: Yeah. What's so hard about doing that? I've gotten him to sit and to lie down and not to jump on me.

THERAPIST: You're still talking about Jack and not about Mark?

CLIENT: Yeah. Mark is a different story.

THERAPIST: (laughs) How's the house-breaking with Mark going? Easier with Jack?

CLIENT: If I say anything regarding sex, I'm just rotten.

THERAPIST: How do you mean?

CLIENT: "I told you from the very beginning that I was in love with my wife." I said, "Yeah. So then why are you still here, Mark, if you're still in love with your wife?" "Because I love you and Deborah." "But, Mark, those are different kinds of love. Don't you understand? Like I love my hemorrhoids?" He said, "No. I love them from the bottom of my heart." [00:29:29] I said, "Yeah, okay." He'll stand up and lift up his shirt and he'll go like this with his nipples and he goes, "Look at this, and look at this," and then he does the abs. He says, "I know you just want this." I said, "Wanting it and getting it are two different things, aren't they? From now on when you lift up your shirt, I'm not looking," so I just turned my head and I looked the other way. Then he stands in front of me and he decides he's going to grind his body in front of me, like he was a male stripper. I said, "Okay." I got up off the chair and I went into my room and I sat and watched TV in my room. He said, "What are you doing that for?" I said, "Because all you want to do is make these sexual overtures towards me and then if I say anything about it, you say ‘no.'" [00:30:36]

THERAPIST: He has? He says "no?" Why is that.

CLIENT: Because my Deborah is there.

THERAPIST: What do you think about that?

CLIENT: I said, "You can make those moves in front of my Deborah?"

THERAPIST: Yeah, so you're not really buying it then?

CLIENT: Yeah, so he said, "Well, I have a lot on my mind." I said, "You can't have that much on your mind when you're doing that in front of me."

THERAPIST: So he hasn't been wanting to have sex, is that right? And it's not just about Deborah.


THERAPIST: What do you think it is? What's that all about? [00:31:21]

CLIENT: I know he still worries a lot about Keisha because they don't talk to anybody out of their families about Keisha's problems. Like Thanksgiving I said, "Aren't you having company for Thanksgiving? Why don't you stay home and cook?" "No, people don't want to come to my house." I said, "Well, why?" "I don't know." I said, "You don't do Easter, you don't do Christmas, you don't do Thanksgiving." "No, they won't come to my house." I don't know why, but they won't go to his house. I said, "Is it the fact that they can't smoke in your house? They've got to go down a flight of stairs to go outside and smoke?" "I don't know. And I don't know why you're asking me all these questions." [00:32:27] I said, "It's just conversation. Did you expect me to just sit here and say nothing to you all day?" He said, "Well you can ask me how work is." "How's work?" "Ahh. The usual." I said, "Okay. How's Keisha?" "She's good. Why? What do you want to know for?" So it's like pulling teeth to get a conversation.

THERAPIST: I think, too, that you're trying to get to know him more intimately and it makes him uncomfortable. He's uncomfortable when you talk about deeper things.

CLIENT: Yeah. I said, "What's bothering you, then?" "I don't want to tell you. I'll tell you in my own time." That could be six years from now, you know? But I still don't think they're getting Keisha the help that Keisha wants.

THERAPIST: I think you're also picking up on there's something about the sex, the two of you having sex, that he's reluctant just to have a conversation about people coming over for the holidays or deeper things about Keisha, deeper things about sex, he's kind of not wanting to talk about it. He'll talk about it in his own time or whatever. [00:34:13]

CLIENT: Yeah that's the least of his problems right now, his having sex. If I say anything I'm just a dirty old lady. "See, I told you that's all you want from me is my body. That's all you want is sex." I said, "Oh, really? No. It would be nice now and then to know even that I'm appreciated. You give me a kiss on the cheek and say goodbye?"

THERAPIST: Is that right?

CLIENT: Yeah, or a kiss on the forehead. I said, "It would just be nice to know that I'm still appreciated, Mark."

THERAPIST: Well, you know this whole theory about men when they start to feel like the woman that they're with is nurturing and kind and good to them, some men have difficulty being sexual how to be sexual and feel like they're getting cared for by the same person. [00:35:29]

CLIENT: Now his thing is, "Do you think I need to take Viagra?" I said, "What is it when men hit 50?" He said, "They just don't have the sex drive." I said, "I don't know. One of them could be your high blood pressure med you're taking." I used to take the same medication and it said for men it would cause you know. I said, "Plus, you've got to remember..."

THERAPIST: It's all blood flow.

CLIENT: Yeah. I said, "You had cancer, you had radiation and chemo in that area. Maybe that's why. Do you ever mention it to the doctor?" "No, because I never go to the doctor. I'm always fine." I said, "Okay, fine." I just dropped the subject. [00:36:32]

THERAPIST: I think, for you, it must be very complicated to have him be very sexual, wanting you to admire his body and him wanting you to see him...

CLIENT: And having sex five days a week and now I'm lucky if I have it I haven't had sex in six months. Since June.

THERAPIST: And there have been some times that Deborah has been gone, that's for sure. How are you doing with that?

CLIENT: (laughs) I'm going stir crazy. I said, "Just give me a kiss now and then. Not on the cheek or the forehead. I'm not your grandma that you're coming over to visit." Then he'll be mad and he'll say, "All the ladies at the I had this 19-year-old..." And my Deborah said, "None of them want you, Mark. Once they found out what you were like it would be bye-bye, Mark. If I was their age I would want money. It's all about money, someone who's going to treat me and take me out. You're not going to want to be hidden away. You want to go dancing and clubbing, and you can't do any of that, Mark, can you?" I said, "Yeah, can you see me going with Mark to the movies? I'd have to sit in the back row and he'd be up front watching it." [00:38:29]

THERAPIST: Why's that?

CLIENT: Because we couldn't be seen together.

THERAPIST: They're seen everywhere else. They're right down the block from you.

CLIENT: Deborah's friends might see us together, but that's all right when we're out driving around in the car. We're driving around in Deborah's, the family's, car. I said, "Oh, sure. Fine."

THERAPIST: You've certainly had men take you out more and get you jewels.

CLIENT: Christ, I would go out with Pete. (laughs).

THERAPIST: What about that.

CLIENT: He worked over there.

THERAPIST: So they're separate worlds. It's not that far away.

CLIENT: And then, one time he invited me and my friends down and he was home with the two babies babysitting. We were all down there partying and had a good time. [00:39:55]

THERAPIST: With Mark there isn't that level of romance where he's taking you out, buying you things, being romantic. Then there's also this issue with sexuality, being kind of dried up.

CLIENT: He said, "I can understand. You're 68 and you've got this 55-year-old stud." I said, "Jesus, here we go again. Mark, don't matter if I'm 65, 75 or 85. You could not outlast me in the bedroom, let's face it."

THERAPIST: Is that true?

CLIENT: Yeah. I'm very, very active. I like sex. I said, "You've got to read all these magazines and watch all these shows where they say younger men should be with older women because older women can show them the way." [00:41:06]

THERAPIST: Do you think that Mark might be pretty conflicted about having sex with you?

CLIENT: I think so. I do. Then he says he's not getting it at home. She's out screwing around on him. Who knows. One minute he'll say he's getting it every day from Deborah and then the next day, "Yeah, I haven't had sex with her in I don't know how long because she tells me she doesn't want to have sex with me."

THERAPIST: Some guys will say they're doing it all the time. Which Mark do you believe? [00:42:00]

CLIENT: (laughs) I know. I believe the one that she's not giving it to him. Definitely.

THERAPIST: The way you describe him when he's saying "I'm getting it all the time" or "all these women are coming on to me," you see his bravado. So your Deborah sees it as bravado?

CLIENT: Oh, yeah. She says, "These girls want a guy who has his own apartment so they can go there. Most of these 21s and 19-year-olds are still living at home, Mark. Are they going to sneak you in the bedroom or are you going to pay for a hotel?" I said, "If you want, I'll let you rent out my bedroom; but Deborah and I want to be on the other side of the wall to hear what's going on." (laughs) Or what's not going on. [00:43:04] He said, "Do you know who can get me those blue pills?" I said, "Yeah, I do." He said, "Who?" I said, "Your old friend, Rob, that I used to go out with from school." He and Rob hung around and I dated Rob 17 years ago when Darla was born. I said, "He's on them now." "How do you know?" "I was over at his mother's house one day when the office was over there and I'd walk over there, and he'd just come from the clinic and he was showing me the papers and it said on it what medications he was on." I said, "It said Viagra." He said, "Call him." I said, "No. You want them, you call him. What am I going to do call him up and say, "Hey, Rob. Can I get a couple of Viagra pills from you so I can give them to Mark?" You know? [00:43:57]

THERAPIST: As you said, you can't get an erection or sustain an erection?

CLIENT: He can't sustain one. He can get it...

THERAPIST: He can't keep it up? Yeah. Did you notice there were times when he'd lose his erection during sex? Was it when you were actually having intercourse? Was it before?

CLIENT: Before. Sometimes he will stay hard for him to get it in and then the moment it's in, it just goes dead.

THERAPIST: Is that right? How about foreplay?

CLIENT: He has to have hand stimulation the whole time with a lubricant.

THERAPIST: And he would be able to get an erection and keep it for a while?

CLIENT: Oh, yeah. But the moment I'd stop to reach over to the night table and get some more lotion, it's dead. [00:45:13]

THERAPIST: That's a conflicted man about sex.

CLIENT: So that's why sometimes it's like two hours.

THERAPIST: Okay, because you're working on him.

CLIENT: What the hell. My driver was early. He was ringing my doorbell at ten.

THERAPIST: Is that right? Just a couple of questions for you how did you like the chair?


THERAPIST: Do you like the couch better?

CLIENT: No. The chair is fine. Somebody else might what the couch.

THERAPIST: I'll be getting a couch at some time, I'm just curious which one's...


Abstract / Summary: Client discusses shopping with her daughter, her sex life, and her boyfriend.
Field of Interest: Counseling & Therapy
Publisher: Alexander Street Press
Content Type: Session transcript
Format: Text
Page Count: 1
Page Range: 1-1
Publication Year: 2013
Publisher: Alexander Street
Place Published / Released: Alexandria, VA
Subject: Counseling & Therapy; Psychology & Counseling; Health Sciences; Theoretical Approaches to Counseling; Family and relationships; Teoria do Aconselhamento; Teorías del Asesoramiento; Romantic relationships; Parent-child relationships; Psychoanalytic Psychology; Psychotherapy
Clinician: Anonymous
Keywords and Translated Subjects: Teoria do Aconselhamento; Teorías del Asesoramiento
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