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CLIENT: I'm exhausted. Long weekend, good times, I'm discombobulated this morning. On the fourth of July I went to hang out with Marcia and some of her friends came over and I don't know, I didn't get to bed until two but it was after three and I had a closing at ten in Concord so I got up at six and here's the fucked up thing I guess Micah would be ecstatic but my alarm was to go off at six, as usual five to six, on a few hours' sleep, I'm up. (chuckles) I guess the Adderall is working, I don't know if that's the reason I was up, that's not my internal clock. So I go up to Pembroke and of course it's the Friday after fourth of July and I haven't heard back that my CAS's been approved and I want to know when the wire's going to be sent because at two o'clock I'm supposed to be leaving Massachusetts so I'm e-mailing and calling my contact and I called, it got to the point where I called the borrower at ten minutes until ten and said "I'm just waiting to get CAS approval, I'm trying to find...I'm going to be late," she's like "An hour late?" I said "No it's not going to be that long," so I get a call like five minutes later from the seller's accountant and she's demanding that I go to the registry right then and there. [2:15] Without an approved CAS, have her client sign her five documents and let her client leave and then deal with whatever I would have to deal with as far as CAS approval, like let's say they don't approve my CAS I got to get a new CAS signed and I've got to be scrambling doing all this extra work and she said her client, she made it seem like this was, you know, she said I guaranteed a ten o'clock closing, I never guarantee a closing time, I said you asked if I could guarantee ten o'clock and I said "The closing is at ten o'clock Friday in Concord." She's like "My client drove all the way up from Brockton," and I go "That's funny because I drove up from Watertown," which is the next town over and traffic was...great which you know how I respond. (chuckles) But you know while she was calling me of course the lender is calling. While I'm on the phone with her the lender is calling me saying "Hey I'm filling in for so and so, can you get me the CAS," so that delayed it of course as I was playing phone tag trying to get in touch with the lender. I got there at ten thirty, half hour late, you know, the day after the fourth of July, skeleton crew all week, I had the same problem with my closing on Tuesday, you know and it's funny because on the phone I think they've got the client right there next to them so they're trying at the registry, trying to make it look good for the client and I don't think it looked good for the client when you demand someone show up at the registry and they don't. (laughter)

THERAPIST: Uh huh. [4:07]

CLIENT: So call me crazy. I get there and everybody's sweet as pie. I'm asking the seller "You're going out of town today," and she's like "No." They made it seem like she's...

THERAPIST: Right she's got a flight (inaudible) or something...

CLIENT: "Sorry I set your day back by a half hour, my days been set back too." It turns out that, I kind of got almost everything done and in line to leave town and forgot my medication for my vial salts, which was made for not as rough a weekend as I thought it was going to be but I was scrambling to get out of there but it turns out I dropped a couple of FedEx's off on Friday and I don't know if they just weren't delivering on Friday, I didn't notice anything on the box but it's not like I was looking for it but they didn't go out until yesterday so all that extra scrambling and whatever was for naught because I could've done it yesterday. I got to the office at four o'clock last night, got stuff out to FedEx...So I get up to Massachusetts and realize that I forgot my medicine and what I was going to do is I had one in the house and a bunch in the car and when I got into the car I was supposed to go in and take the medicine and put it in my bag but I never did so I had one and I decided that I wasn't going to take it because it was Friday night Massachusetts, Saturday night fireworks in Massachusetts and then Sunday we were going to go see Phish so it was like "I better take it Sunday morning," so I'd rather have the runs at a house where I can go to the bathroom as frequently as I can then at the port o' potties at Phish. [6:02] That kind of worked out because I had no problems with Phish, it wasn't until really even last night, I got home and I took one so the real time, I had diarrhea but not like run to the bathroom, was once again I left the campfire at like two, a big bonfire, these guys were crazy...

THERAPIST: And this is?

CLIENT: In Massachusetts Saturday night. I probably got in my tent sometime after two, four thirty I got to go to the bathroom, I go to the bathroom, I come out, it's dark, playing words with friends on my phone, Kasi goes "Hi!" (screams), scared the shit out of me, she was waiting for the bathroom and you know, she's like "You could have just hid in the other room," and I go "Why did you do that?" (chuckles) "Let me go," so six thirty rolls around, have to go to the bathroom again, nine o'clock rolls around, too hot to be in my tent, had to go to the bathroom but not so bad that I had to go right then so that was really the only, the four thirty, six thirty was really the only annoying and six thirty's not uncommon for me to have to go to the bathroom because I'm up at six.

THERAPIST: Mm hmm. [7:34]

CLIENT: So I'm just exhausted. I got to bed probably eleven or twelve Friday because you know, we went and drove out and saw Phish, great show, pouring rain, lightening, I'm soaked, muddy, but they really put on a good show. It's one of those really nice, it's just a good venue to see a concert and it seems like it's one of their favorite venues and this was the last night with the rain, every time in thundered and lightened the crowd went crazy like "We're all going to die! Woo hoo!" I guess on Friday night someone was saying that a storm was coming, I mean Friday night a storm was coming through and that they stopped letting people in the venue so I think some people even got shut out which I don't know if they started back up, why they wouldn't let people in so this is like some suburban town in upstate Pennsylvania, I don't know...that seems a little unusual to me that they would deny people access if the show actually went on.


CLIENT: So yeah I just, completely exhausted, I got home at three, no I got home at two by three I was out the door, no I got home by three and by four I was out the door. [9:06] Traffic in the city was bad but I got up to Pembroke by like ten to five.


CLIENT: Yesterday yeah and then was there until seven, seven thirty so only for a couple of hours but you know it was effective. I just had to look and see what I had to do because I's been three days without my laptop, wasn't even on at home, intentionally I did that because I go to my PC where I can access it intentionally to shut it down and long periods of time that I had my phone turned off and the only reason I was checking my phone was texting Marcia. So for all intents and purposes I was cut off, it was really nice, very relaxing, spot was gorgeous. They've got a hill overlooking the mountains and a lake and on the other side of the house was a pond.

THERAPIST: Is it in Massachusetts?

CLIENT: Massachusetts, it's a beautiful house. There were probably thirty people there, people sleeping in the house, it's an old couple who's got three kids and one of the kids is a Handball player and they've been throwing this fourth of July party and I guess about six years ago one of the guys I know who plays with one of the brothers has a hobby of fireworks, like his good friend growing up is like a fireworks distributor, makes a ton of money doing it and he like developed this wireless box that allows you to, you basically put it in a computer program, set up all the cues, the music, everything and let it go. You just pay attention and make sure the cues are on and if they're not you can adjust it. [10:57] So six years ago they started doing the fireworks and it's grown into this kind of big thing, so family come by and a bunch of ultimate players come by and neighbors come by, it's a good time. Mom makes lasagna on Friday night, we grill on Saturday, they kept actually warning me about the dad but he was so nice and so...they said he's getting soft, I guess he was a little more rigid but great time. No stress with getting to Phish or anything like that. My buddy Karl, I was trying to meet up with him but his dog ran away so they came back Sunday morning so I didn't hook up with those guys but they found the dog, too late for them turn around and go back. It was pretty relaxing, the fourth of July was good, played in 95 degree, 100% humidity weather, we're hanging out underneath the tree, drinking some beers, passed around the flask, well the guys were the ones...These really intense looking handball players show up, they go straight out and start throwing, we been there for half hour just drinking beers, arguing whether we were going to go out and play or not and they went out and start throwing so we go out, I didn't even have my cleats on yet, put my cleats on, we started throwing, and one of the guys was like "Alright, that's enough," so I went in and everybody poured another beer and we were passing around a flask, "Let's play," it's like alright, so we went out and played and they're like super intense, they're like making calls and are you in, are you out, just positions and I mean we're playing five on five or four on, you know, but it only lasted like an hour and a half. [12:56] But it was miserable, I was miserable, Friday morning was miserable. Once I got to Massachusetts it was cooler, nowhere near the humidity and we had the pond. I have this weird thing about water, not that I don't like running but I think sometimes I just don't like getting wet, I don't know like everybody's going in the pond and I just didn't feel like going in. I went in on Saturday but I didn't go in on Sunday with everybody else. I used to run competitive though.



THERAPIST: At (inaudible)?

CLIENT: I was about 12 and then I decided I'd rather play baseball because running was five nights a week and baseball was one plus a game on Saturday, same thing had a meet on Saturday for runners.

THERAPIST: What did you run?

CLIENT: At that point I was kind of running everything. I did (inaudible) and it's hard to remember. My dad always reminds me that I would've been a great runner, that I would've gone to the Olympics but I chose basketball which I sucked at. I didn't suck; it was politics that I didn't make the high school team. I don't know, I mean I don't have the body type, to some degree I have the upper body type, if I was running I wouldn't have this gut, but I have the long upper body but I have short limbs, both legs and arms which I don't think the short legs effect on every stride but I think...what's going to be faster, that or that? [14:48] I don't think I would've made the Olympics, I don't know if you've seen that runner, he's a string bean and just has the perfect body for running, you know. That's an awful lot of work, great exercise but...So I see Micah today, Dr. Huntsman tomorrow, I don't know, vacation was good for me.


CLIENT: Real good. I was a little stressed out or whatever, nothing weird happened. Thursday night I think I was just drunk and just miscommunicated with Marcia and she's like "Oh, why don't you go to bed and be comfortable and turn on the AC?" which made it seem like she was going to be coming in but she came in and then went out because I think her friends were staying over but they didn't want to go to sleep so.

THERAPIST: Hindsight.

CLIENT: In hindsight it was like she was entertaining her guests. I woke up in the morning and was upset about something, it went away so...she had a roommate move in last night, this kid, a friend of her nephews who is in some position he wants to get out of and just needs to stay there until he finds a place for him and his girlfriend. [16:16] It was one of those things where she doesn't want a roommate but she doesn't mind the money.


CLIENT: She seems to be getting a lot of opportunity for new business with the dog walking and she had a bunch of dogs over the week, it's why she couldn't go to Massachusetts.


CLIENT: She was pretty nervous about the week but I think it went fine. The one dog did fight another dog, that happens.

THERAPIST: (inaudible talking)

CLIENT: You get around to it, you can put together a statement maybe, I'm bad at that stuff so I'm not going to have them pressure you but, I'd like to know where I stand and I know you don't have an idea where I stand at this point so...I don't know how much extra I'm paying every week, it's not much is it? It's not anything is it? No?

THERAPIST: What they can do is, I think co-pays are about $40 and you're paying about $100 a week.

CLIENT: Okay so it's like $20 right? It's less than that. You know in six years I'll have that (inaudible) paid off.

THERAPIST: I thought it was a little less than that?

CLIENT: My credit's gone to shit, not that it was great anyway but I had a 650 and I applied for two credit cards and got turned down, one was the patriots and one was a business card and then I had late payments or just didn't make payments for the last couple months on my student loans and both reported so now I'm down to like 615. [18:16] I owe $500 on my loan and they reported me to the credit reporting agency, I just sent them $250. It's too late, it's already on my credit, you know, the other one I asked for forbearance which I haven't heard back from. I've done it before but it sucks because they keep the interest running so when the period is over, you have this period of financial difficulty and are finally out of it, "here's your higher payment." I guess they get their money somehow. I didn't even do laundry today, I went out and bought more underwear that's how behind I am in laundry and I've been wearing dirty underwear for a week, I don't know. Just been busy. It looks like I might have a court hearing Friday morning.

THERAPIST: This week?

CLIENT: Yeah so I don't know if it's possible to reschedule now or...? I just looked at, I mean there's a chance it might not happen.

THERAPIST: Do you know when you'll know?

CLIENT: Today.

THERAPIST: Yeah let me know today because I may have some stuff tomorrow afternoon. [19:49] (pause)

CLIENT: I got this one thing I really should've done a week and a half ago and I haven't done and hopefully I'll do today and she was out of town for ten days, that's why I couldn't get it done so there's always something to do.


CLIENT: It was the thing I could put off so I just put it off. I thought I'd be able to do it Friday but it didn't happen. It's not an over-odorous project either, it's just I don't know, mental...


CLIENT: Yeah, it's a commercial so it's like...I had to build a rider from scratch which I scanned the book with their rider, I just need to fix everything up.


CLIENT: It'll take me a half hour. [21:11] I don't know, they're becoming a law firm a few doors down from me, which I can't decide. In many respects that's a good idea, it works for me because when clients come to see me or people are just walking down the hall, that's why I'm wanting my door chained because people walking down the hall, Cameron Swisher, he's an accountant, people working there will see that. There was like a bunch of empty offices, it made it seem like I was in this dead zone.


CLIENT: But now with another firm there...I tried looking them up to find out what they practice and I think they're a new firm. They used to be in Providence but they moved so it was like a guy, an associate and one of his associates ended up joining a partnership but I couldn't find out what they practiced. I'll be pissed off if they do exactly what I do but I have no say in that. My lease don't have a "I'm the only accountant in the building," so I think it helps me more than it hurts, I mean I can't see how it would hurt me. They can be anywhere in the company center so the fact that they're there doesn't hurt me. I think it's like putting another gas station on the opposite corner...It's funny I drive by this McDonald's and (inaudible) and right next to it is a Burger King and the parking lot and the drive thru of McDonald's is packed, overflowing but Burger King has like one car and I'm sure it's the person working there. [23:11] I mean no one is at Burger King, it's crazy. (pause) I've been maintaining my contact list, I haven't gone and made a letter yet but I've also decided I'm going to go back and start doing anniversary for closings I did, a year or less. I just haven't had the time and when I do have the time I get home and am just exhausted. Tonight I have handball, tomorrow might be a night but I know I'm going to work out at four and then Thursday I'm going out with Marcia, Friday probably Ian, I don't know just...I've been thinking a lot about my letter, at least for following up on refi's and purchases. I know I'll be able to make it pretty automatic, write a letter and just print it out from the software. [24:27] (pause) I had that closing Tuesday morning, did we meet? We didn't meet last week did we? We met late on Tuesday, that's right because we talked about the closing. So I already told you that Peter thought I was buff. I got to the closing, these were ultimate players, the broker's an ultimate player and he's like "have you been working out?"

THERAPIST: No I don't think you actually did.

CLIENT: I was excited, of course I haven't worked out in a while, since last Monday. I didn't work out last night I was just too tired but the reality is I'm just glad to be working out, whether I work out fully, it's just nice to have it. Eddie has even said that, I'll be like "I didn't do my homework this week," he's like "You're here that's better than not doing anything," some is better than none. I danced out a lot at Phish and I was kind of surprised because my legs are in really good shape, they never got sore or tired and sometimes they do, down like a hill, so it's not like I'm...

THERAPIST: (inaudible)

CLIENT: Yeah but you know I just kind of knock it around a little bit and you start feeling it in your calves a little bit but it went away. It shows my legs are in shape, it's my endurance that's really, I'm struggling with and I can't remember what medication Dr. Huntsman said was causing that. (inaudible) I'm beginning to think it's a side effect of the medication that I can't get in shape for Handball which is a little frustrating.

THERAPIST: Yeah absolutely.

CLIENT: But it really is where, I'm really struggling at the beginning to the game with my wind and later in the game I don't as much.

THERAPIST: That's kind of interesting. [26:30]

CLIENT: Yeah and it's always kind of been like that a little bit for me but I'm just noticing that I'm putting in a lot more effort to get into shape and it's just not happening. It's a little frustrating. I think if it wasn't the medication I probably would be more upset.


CLIENT: I've already played in a couple of tournaments so it's not like...I just think I should be in better shape than I'm in now.

THERAPIST: Given how much you've put into it, yeah.

CLIENT: I think because of it I've started eating a little bit of crappy food, vacation had something to do with that as well. (inaudible) a complication. I'm starting to eat a little more vegetables from the farm, that's good, bunch of collards before I left. I'm getting better every season like before I used to put the greens, some oil, salt, fry it up, all kinds of greens, whatever I had and then someone said "Why don't you make some pasta?" so I added the pasta because I was hungry when I was done and now I've been putting like tomato sauce with it. It's really good. But I'll be eating real vegetables...

THERAPIST: You've got five courses here.

CLIENT: Yeah well now I can have salads, like I get all this lettuce but all I have are radishes so it's like nothing to put on the salad. [28:07] Most of the lettuce is still good but Marcus had carrots this weekend which means we'll have carrots probably for the rest of the summer. That's good. (pause) I was thinking at this point that I would like Marcia to at least meet Ian, you know, I feel like there's things I might want to do that both of them could go to or just...even in passing, I'm not really sure how to handle that. Like you said I could just do it but I don't want to do that partly out of that's not the type of person I am but partly because I don't want to deal with the aftermath.


CLIENT: I think there's certain things I can get away with but when it comes to the kids I got to tread lightly as far as not upsetting her and things like sleeping late, that kind of stuff, poopy jokes, that's all well and good but this might...I don't know, I'll find out. I have a feeling it's going to be something that Jess will be concerned about it. I don't see it as a big deal. Actually I see it as no deal at all first of all, because it's nothing that we (inaudible) for her. I have a feeling, I tried to ferret it out with Ian when we were on the (inaudible) and he just, I couldn't even go there, he wouldn't even really answer my questions about stuff and just...

THERAPIST: What did you ask him? [30:11]

CLIENT: I asked him what he thought of Jess and I not living together, and you know, you have other friends, stuff like that and he's like "I just want you to move back home," that's all he cared about. I said "you know what a girlfriend is?" and he's like "No." I asked him if he knows what dating is and he's like "no," so I really wanted to explain to him then but I couldn't because I didn't know how.


CLIENT: And that's kind of the thing too, I actually think Jess would do a better job of explaining to him about what, I think that's why she wants or would want to be involved. I know with a lot of people they want to meet the person and I don't know if that's it. I'm not so sure I want a pre-meeting or anything like that. That's not the question, she doesn't get to make the judgment about who I date and who I don't date, who I think is good with children, it's whether it's appropriate as far as, I don't even know what the concerns are. I know there's a concern about the kid getting attached and things getting broken off but I don't know it's like everybody, they ask me how long we've been going out and I'm like "Three months," and they're like "Wow." It doesn't seem like a long time to me because I was with Jess for 13 years.


CLIENT: I thought I would just send her an e-mail explaining that I didn't know how to handle this.

THERAPIST: Sure. [31:59] She knows your dating her?

CLIENT: Yeah. I brought up the whole thing with Kerry firing Marcia and she just had, I had just did yoga with Marcia but Kerry right before that so I brought it up and when I tried to talk about it she didn't want to talk about it, she's like "I don't want to hear about this," so she doesn't care about it and it's clear from Facebook, you know, I'll check into places and it's just us...So I think I'll just send her an e-mail saying that I don't know how to handle this.

THERAPIST: That's not what you're saying, I mean you're saying you think...

CLIENT: I'm going to lay out the fact that I don't want to just introduce her to Ian without you being at least involved in how it happens but it's going to happen, I want to put that message across. [33:14]

THERAPIST: There's not a formula or some kind of (inaudible) guidelines about when you should or shouldn't. It's not a good idea if you've been seeing her a couple weeks and she may be in and out of your life really fast. (pause)

CLIENT: I almost met her mom on Thursday but she got busy and her mom was there until five and then there was a parade at five, she's not very good at time management. (pause) What will happen is for holidays, she literally had to meet a new client on the fourth of July, they wanted her to start yesterday so...but it's kind of weird because I'm going to have to get used to the fact that she's not going to be able to go to a lot of things because of work.


CLIENT: The nature of her work.

THERAPIST: Working on the weekends.

CLIENT: Yeah, I mean Mosby and Kerry go through that but they have people that work for them now so they can get away for three shows of Phish. [34:55] I invited her to go down to South Carolina in August, I wanted to drive and if she would go I would drive because I wanted to go see Ray from Virginia and it kind of makes sense to do that on the way back kind of thing.


CLIENT: Even if she doesn't go down I like to play some golf, a round of golf, if she geos I don't think I would play a round of golf but...I got a new car and it was (inaudible) all the time. I don't even, like Thursday morning the whole weekend and everything, I never really went through the self-doubt with Marcia that I have been going through.

THERAPIST: You've sounded pretty good the last few days.


THERAPIST: Maybe you really enjoy yourself and you plan on tackling a lot of work stuff and..

CLIENT: I've noticed it really kind of set in because she's explaining, she's giving me the blow by blow of when the dogs are coming and going, you know, and I think just when she's super busy, she's busy. It's not uncommon for her to not respond or whatever. [36:38] I noticed like when she's watching a woman in Arno she always texts a lot because she's bored out of her mind but the whole weekend...

THERAPIST: I see. You're (inaudible) that how she's responding has to do with whatever happens and you don't know for her.

CLIENT: Now, yeah.

THERAPIST: Whereas you used to worry a lot more about was she losing interest or something like that.

CLIENT: And it's funny, Benji and Elle, Benji's the fireworks guy and handball, he was friends with the brother and Elle, she's like 27, 28 and she told me that when she first met me that I made her uncomfortable which was good because now I'm able to talk to her about that which kind of explained why some of Marcia's friends thought I didn't like them. Because then she was like "We got to know you," Elle is always making some face at some comment I make so...[37:49] I realized it once when I was actually, she made a comment how her butt was big, I was like "I don't know," she was very uncomfortable with that so I kept (inaudible) and when she stood up "Damn!" So I'd push her buttons...I thought it was helpful, I was kind of worried, I was like "I'm accepted," who I am in that regard, it's not going to change. You might want it to but it won't.

THERAPIST: (inaudible)

CLIENT: Then I asked her about my, she had no idea about my mental health, for some reason I assumed she knew and she didn't so we were talking about that, I was like "I get this self-doubt thing," she's like "Really, women get them constantly." Probably she's having self-doubt too. [39:02] Maybe I should think about how things shake out as far as the roommate because she was not excited about doing an overnight without the dog because her mom would have to watch the dog, her brother down the street, he'd have to come so now she's got a roommate that could let the dog out but when do you trust a roommate to let the dog out? (pause) We'll see. (pause) I really just want to do laundry and go back to bed. I haven't looked at Micah's self, what was it, low self-esteem, the self-esteem paperwork she gave me. I don't know, I (pause) I don't want to do homework, you know that right? [40:43]

THERAPIST: Yeah but you often don't want to do work, home or otherwise.

CLIENT: I'm better than I was though. My office is clean and that's another thing, they've got a nice office, the accountants down the hall...

THERAPIST: You also will entertain the possibility that I might have something useful to say or we might be able to start a conversation to actually help us.

CLIENT: That's never happened and if it does it's like "We got to go." And we don't ever bring it up again.

THERAPIST: It used to be I couldn't get a word in edgewise at all. I know describe this in other places too but it's sort of what I see for us.

CLIENT: The big elephant in the room here is interest rates are almost up near five, refi's not going to happen for a while and I have a ton of purchases going on right now. I've got one at the end of the month, I've got a landlord tenant case now so it's like things are...I'm just not stressed out about it at all. I feel like this letter is going to help getting more wills, estate stuff and ultimately will lead to seller refs down the road when these people go to sell their house they'll remember me. [42:27] I should be worried. I don't know if that banker is going to get that deal or not. They're going through either bank just make a little more money on those deals. It's a stepping stone for the larger commercial deals.


CLIENT: This thing on Friday is a conservatorship which I know nothing about and I'm going to talk to my divorce lawyer about what needs to be done and whatnot. It's just a niece and a nephew, a nephew really is kind of pushing something, just making shit up, they found an accountant who was willing to drive the truck so there's really no basis whatsoever for what they're playing me. [43:53] I was going to do all the work first. The accountant who referred to me thinks I can just walk into court and stand there and answer a few questions. I don't feel confident with that. I think I should know a little bit about the area of law, just procedurally. So my minimal efforts to at least broaden things is probably some comfort.


CLIENT: And Phil, he's sending me more n exams than he's sent me in, ever I think, so he's busy which I'm like "Why aren't I busy?" and I think that my guy Harry, his boss Karl has sent me a couple deals and I think he's doing that because he's like "Cameron's been giving us business," which Ray's boss, he gave me some business but never to the degree of business that I gave him.


CLIENT: It's upset Ray, I'm just kind of used to it but Karl is making a serious effort. He's a real good guy, a real good guy. I think he's starting to also recognize just how smoothly things go when I'm involved.

THERAPIST: We should stop for now. [45:25]

CLIENT: Okay. I will let you know about Friday. I might be able to get it pushed off so...We'll see.


Abstract / Summary: Client discusses a busy holiday weekend that was stressful in part because of work and lots of events. Client discusses introducing his son to his girlfriend and how his ex-wife might think about it.
Field of Interest: Counseling & Therapy
Publisher: Alexander Street Press
Content Type: Counseling session
Format: Text
Original Publication Date: 2014
Page Count: 1
Page Range: 1-1
Publication Year: 2014
Publisher: Alexander Street
Place Published / Released: Alexandria, VA
Subject: Counseling & Therapy; Psychology & Counseling; Health Sciences; Theoretical Approaches to Counseling; Work; Family and relationships; Teoria do Aconselhamento; Teorías del Asesoramiento; Marital separation; Work behavior; Romantic relationships; Psychoanalytic Psychology; Low self-esteem; Fatigue; Anxiety; Psychoanalysis; Psychotherapy
Presenting Condition: Low self-esteem; Fatigue; Anxiety
Clinician: Anonymous
Keywords and Translated Subjects: Teoria do Aconselhamento; Teorías del Asesoramiento
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