Client "AP", Session 151: December 06, 2013: Client discusses his plans to get a job overseas and teach in his native country. trial
CLIENT: How you doing? You look nice. So earlier, a while ago I got an e-mail from university in Assyria. So of course with everything going on, totally slipped my mind the deadline for the fulltime. Yeah totally. The weeks are just whizzing by. It was November 30th, of course it’s right in the middle of December, whatever, I don’t know. I just totally lost track. But anyway, so I e-mailed him, I was like I’m so sorry. There’s so much going on on my plate I just completely forgot. It was on my mind, but the deadline completely slipped my mind. Stupid. But anyway she got right. She was like actually it’s not a really big deal. She was like chances are. She did not really say like we wouldn’t have given, but she was like chances are we would have probably offered you what we are going to offer anyway, you know what I mean? That kind of makes sense. I get that. You know. [00:01:04]
CLIENT: But she was like you know, and she was like also there is so much to do it’s really. Don’t worry about it. She was like there are plenty of sections to teach. So basically I will be adjuncting. The only thing I didn’t understand why this is, but she is like I cannot make you a formal offer until you are here.
CLIENT: That makes no sense to me. However, so
THERAPIST: Til you move there?
CLIENT: Til I’m there, whatever that means. I wrote back to her and I said well, I said so if you could just tell me, let’s say I taught 3 to 4 classes, what would I make? You know, in terms of I want to make sure if I come there I can live somewhat comfortably. I would want to probably be there sometime in the summer, early summer to kind of get my bearings and whatever. [00:02:10]
CLIENT: And then I kind of asked is there like a red tape reason that you cannot, that there cannot be a formal offer letter? Or what, I don’t know I’m not sure what that is, but that was like, it sounds great if it pays anything like what adjuncting pays here, which I’m assuming it would because it’s a University of Oregon thing. You know? That’s pretty good. I mean even if they are paying let’s say two grand a course. Four courses, eight grand between September and December. Eight grand, so that’s like 2 grand a month right? Two grand a month? I mean if I found an apartment for like $400 or $500, without really many other expenses. I don’t know I’m gonna have to talk to people about how this all works. It just sounds like there’s a lot to do. I think she’s basically saying trust me, there’s work, you know.
THERAPIST: She won’t tell you how much they paid before. [00:03:08]
CLIENT: I just e-mailed her back. I said if you could just give me an idea, and she was nice. She’s like you know if you want I can call you tomorrow. We can talk on the phone, so I gave her my number, and was like yeah sure. I’m mean you know what’s it gonna. I doubt that they would pay like a shitty salary in Assyrian money. Because that does not make sense to me. Because no one that works there is for the most part an Assyrian native, you know what I mean? These are all people that are, you know.
THERAPIST: I doubt it too. I just feel protective of you, like not wanting to move there and get there and you have no guarantee.
CLIENT: I’m not going anywhere, are you crazy? I mean I can’t. I can’t right because I wouldn’t be able too. That’s insane. No of course not. Of course not. The whole reason I’m doing, yes I want to go to Assyria, but I’m doing it because it’s totally worth doing.
THERAPIST: Yeah [00:04:00]
CLIENT: I mean I don’t know.
THERAPIST: It does not make any sense that they can’t give you an offer.
CLIENT: That’s odd. Yeah I don’t understand.
THERAPIST: They would never get anyone coming.
CLIENT: Yeah, I don’t know what that means.
THERAPIST: You have to move here in order too
CLIENT: Well I guess because maybe for adjuncting it’s not quite the same as offering a full time employment thing. So it’s kind of like that here too in a way. At the very last minute you get a fucking phone call and suddenly you’re adjuncting. I have never had a whole like, yes you know like 2 semesters from now we’re going to offer you this adjuncting. It’s just you show up and they just take one look at your CV, they are like fine. You want to teach 5 composition courses? But I agree I mean I do need specifics. I need to at least know, and also I am going to. If it gets to that point, I’ll be like okay so I also want to make sure that I can start getting into a certain mindset and planning. In other words, if there is no real official offer you’re not going to tell me in July that there is no job, or you gave the job to somebody else, or you know. [00:05: 03]
THERAPIST: Right. Which they could.
CLIENT: Which they could. So there’s that too. Because even to get to Assyria I have too.
THERAPIST: It’s going to cost money.
CLIENT: It’s gonna cost money to get there.
THERAPIST: It’s an investment.
CLIENT: You know, so. So that’s important you know. But I mean she is a very up and she seems like a very on the up and up woman. You know, whatever so. I’m not worried, but yeah, I need details. Otherwise it’s absolutely pointless. I mean, you know. So and then I found out that another. I won’t say friend, but kind of a friend, a really good acquaintance from here, also works now at AUA and I think in this department.
CLIENT: So, and she is really nice, so I’m gonna talk to her as well. And that’s the thing. I think that it could also be this woman is kind of like taking this. She’s really being a little more informal, because she knows that I’m like friends with the Dean, and there’s some mutual people, like so maybe she’s just being a little more like, I don’t know. Maybe she is just being more Assyrian. [00:06:11]
CLIENT: Even though she is not Assyrian, I think it’s she’s taken on that kind of like yeah come by there’s plenty to do. You know like well maybe that’s great over there, but I need to know what the fuck is going on. So. I don’t know now it looks like 70% to 80%. I mean if someone is telling you just yeah there’s plenty of sections to teach and you know. And none of the sections she said were TOEFL or any kind of ESL. They are still not what I would want, but you know they are writing, composition. Kind of like core courses or whatever, so I don’t know. [00:07:00]
THERAPIST: Your heart sounds like it has swung back to towards that being more of a viable possibility.
CLIENT: Well honestly it’s also becoming a practical thing now. I mean this is not good. I cannot, unless I figure out something soon. I don’t, I mean something that is stable and pays decent and I don’t know. It becomes but then yeah it makes me think okay it’s both practical, and maybe it’s just good timing. I have been wanting to go there. It also forces our hand to really take care of this condo bullshit, you know what I mean? So it would be like, all right starting now let’s start planning, sell that fucking thing.
THERAPIST: Now that you’re moving
CLIENT: I’m sorry?
THERAPIST: Hold on to it no? Rent it.
CLIENT: Uh no, because then we still can’t. It’s about equity. We still cannot tap into anything to buy something. I still cannot do that plan that I have, you know? [00:08:04]
CLIENT: And also it’s not about that. It’s about also making sure that my mom is very set. You know? So that way, no mortgage, she’s getting that rent. It’s all income. There’s no more. There’s nothing to complain about money wise. You know? And also for me then I can, that equity is there. Who knows maybe I’ll fucking hate it. Who knows, so that when I’m back there’s, we can get to buying something else or. Or not, yeah you’re right.
THERAPIST: Why would you want to buy something else when you could just hold on to what you have?
CLIENT: Why would you want to buy something?
THERAPIST: What is the difference between buying another condo versus holding onto the top floor?
CLIENT: Oh well again because my ultimate goal is to buy a number of properties.
THERAPIST: Umm hmm. So you sell this one and buy another one you still only have 3, Right? [00:09:04]
CLIENT: I do only have 3, but it’s all equity now.
THERAPIST: But not in the 3rd one.
CLIENT: Sure it is. Yeah because I have no mortgage, and I have at least $700,000 in equity. I’m gonna take 3 or 350 of that and just pay cash for another condo. So yes now I have borrowed that, but I have paid cash so now there’s, you know what I’m. Yeah it still is 3 units, but now it is a different setup kind of, because the idea is to buy that one in cash so that. I know what you mean. Yeah and in a way you’re right too about that. I see what you’re saying. You are buying it completely cash, but then you have fees to that. Yeah, yeah. (pause) Yeah, I don’t know. [00:10:00]
THERAPIST: And you are also not using the bank’s money to make money at that point. You’re only using cash.
CLIENT: Right. Right. Yeah the only way it would benefit would be somehow you buy a condo, don’t live in it, rent it, but then yeah if I’m not living in the house then you could do that.
THERAPIST: Might as well, it would be easier if you really were gonna move.
CLIENT: See the problem is, what bothers me about all that is then I’m still fucked if I need to come back, if I. That’s it I have to constantly stay with my mom, and that’s the problem. You know I don’t have something that is mine, right that I could go okay.
THERAPIST: That would happen even if you bought another place. You wouldn’t just let it sit there open would you?
CLIENT: Yeah but that would be mine. I would be like listen you gotta move. I need my condo in 6 months. You know what I mean? With the house everything is still a fucking negotiation.
THERAPIST: So it’s good you’re still separated some.
CLIENT: Yeah, Yeah.
THERAPIST: That makes sense and that’s a separate issue. [00:11:00]
CLIENT: But more than that, take it we are leaving out one very important thing. Forget about buying another place, the idea is that no mortgage, rental income. Right? What that means is. I’ll even fucking, I’ll live somewhere with a roommate. That would even be more worth it.
CLIENT: Like I’ll come back, pay $700 a month. I’ll still live in Cheshire. I’ll get a $1500 apartment with somebody, whatever, you know what I mean? But the idea is that there’s cash coming in that now is just ours, and no mortgage. That to me, I don’t know that’s very important to me. Because you never know when you do need that to do, you do need that to buy something or do something. Right now even if you do have that income they’re just not giving it, you still have a fucking mortgage that you are paying off, you know So that’s an issue, you know. Unless you have, you make a lot of money at your job. I don’t know, it’s tricky yeah. I’m not sure, I’m not sure. I need to talk to real estate people and really think about what, you know. Maybe there will be a realistic person that’s like no if you rent both those units there are banks that will give you money. [00:12:12]
CLIENT: To buy, because you have shitloads of equity, so there are banks they will, I don’t know. Either way, if she comes back and says look this is what they pay, and it’s the same thing as they pay here, it’s hard to say no to that. Especially when look it’s the skin off my back. I’m being paid, they’re not paying for my airfare, but in a way they are. I’m gonna go there and be paid, so I don’t know.
THERAPIST: it’s a big deal.
CLIENT: Yeah I mean before that. I mean it is and it isn’t. Because in my mind I know it’s a temporary. It’s not like moving to London for a PhD. You know. I’m an adjunct for a semester. In a way it’s kind of awesome. If I like it great. If not, fine. I know that the semester is going to be over, and I’ll be back for Christmas or whatever, you know. [00:13:11]
CLIENT: But in the meantime it’s a job. I might even be able to save money. Depending on you know. Because the other thing she is implying in her e-mails I have noticed is that not just even teaching at the university, that someone like me there is opportunity. She’s like there’s just stuff here for someone like you. You know you would be in major demand.
THERAPIST: That’s great.
CLIENT: Yeah, so I don’t know. That’s still a ways away, and in the meantime I need to figure something out. I sent an e-mail to some close friends, and I was like, look it’s getting bad. If you guys, I would really like if you know of anything at all, if you can think of anything. [00:14:00]
(20 sec. pause)
CLIENT: Yeah I guess the other thing is there’s no rush to condo right? Just get the rental income. Because that will be more than enough, my mom should be fine. When I get back I can, I mean that’s not gonna go anywhere. I can just do that whenever.
THERAPIST: When you condo you were gonna move down anyway temporarily.
CLIENT: Right.
THERAPIST: If you are gonna leave the country otherwise that
CLIENT: Right.
THERAPIST: It buys you a little time. [00:15:02]
CLIENT: Yeah, yeah. We could rent it out, and my mom is good about squirreling away money. So she could hopefully do that, and hopefully if I saved a little bit. And then by that time who knows. I mean maybe I come back with a job here or whatever. You know, who knows.
CLIENT: Or, I end up in a way by default it ends up what I wanted all along, which is I go condo.
THERAPIST: Umm hmm, umm hmm.
CLIENT: I’m there a few months, I’m here a few months, I’m there a few months, you know. I don’t know, we’ll see. It is a big deal. It’s a big deal.
THERAPIST: It’s is when you leave the country.
CLIENT: Oh yeah.
THERAPIST: For more than a week or two.
CLIENT: Oh yeah. But I don’t know it’s exciting. I mean I have been wanted to get, it is insane that I have never been there. That’s that’s getting to be just absurd now.
CLIENT: Yeah it’s absurd, it’s absolutely absurd. [00:16:04]
CLIENT: Everyone and their grandmother has been there. People like care way less, Vito, they are just going because they can, or whatever. They just go. So yeah it’s at this point. (pause) And you know who knows it might even be good for. I think it would definitely be good for the writing, for sure. But even for the music, you know? I would be a very exotic, unusual kind there. And not necessarily money wise, but that’s you need to start some kind of fan base somewhere that’s a real fan base. It would also be easy to leave Assyria and play. It’s a one hour flight to Istanbul. It’s a one hour flight to you know. So there’s that too, you know. [00:17:04]
CLIENT: And all those places are places where people give a shit when you’re an American musician, they pay attention. If you’re any good then it’s even more. So I don’t know it just might be good overall. (pause) Yeah and her thing is in one of her e-mails she was like you could teach in the Spring if you wanted, and I was like that seems, that scares me. That seems a little, very abrupt or something, you know? I don’t stuff like that anymore, you know? I feel like I’d rather, I don’t know. That seems a bit I have got a band, I don’t know it just seems a little too, I’ll see you later. This I mean I have got things that are important here, you know? So. [00:18:04]
THERAPIST: Your mother about this, and how you even think she.
CLIENT: Yeah it sucks, yeah I know. I don’t know what would happen with that. I guess it’s different now right? People Skype and things. Do you do that?
THERAPIST: I have, yeah. I have never done it like multiple times a week, and then when people once a week want therapy.
CLIENT: Yeah I guess maybe we could do like once a week or something, yeah. Because I know that that’s when I have Skyped the few times that I have, it is kind of amazing. I don’t know what you thought about it, but it’s an oddly intimate experience. I don’t know. I was surprised at the way it made me feel. I thought it was just gonna be a phone call and getting to see their face, or whatever, and whatever. But it wasn’t there was something kind of oddly intimate about it.
THERAPIST: It’s funny I have actually only been Skyped with the Skype body, without the video.
CLIENT: Oh really?
THERAPIST: Yeah, yeah.
CLIENT: No I mean the
THERAPIST: Yeah, which I would be open to video also. [00:19:00]
CLIENT: No the video is amazingly, what’s the word? There’s immediacy to it that’s kind of crazy. Because I just thought it was gonna be a phone call with oh cool there you are, but it wasn’t. There’s something oddly very connecting. It’s really weird. But yeah, no I mean it definitely changes. Even if it is once a week by Skype. That would be, I mean I would want that. But yeah it changes things you know. But all my good friends here, whatever. But you see that’s the thing I think I have realized here. I need to stop. In a way that holds me back. Because it’s like a safety blanket. You know what I mean? It cannot be that way. You have to do what you gotta do, and your friends they’re not going anywhere, and airplanes exist. It’s like you know. I have always had this weird thing that you go and that’s it. You know what I’m saying? [00:20:06]
CLIENT: And a lot of that has been about money. I cannot just come and go when I want. But in this case it wouldn’t be that way. You know what I mean? They be rental. If I needed too my mom would be able to send me a few hundred bucks or, you know what I mean? There would be a little flexibility, and I’d be making money that probably I could. It won’t be like London where I taught for almost nothing. And you know that was not. This is an actual teaching position, where if it’s paid like here, as far as I know even nice apartments there are like $600 bucks or whatever. So I’ll get a semi-nice apartment for $450 or whatever.
THERAPIST: It’s much lower. The cost of living.
CLIENT: Oh yeah, yeah. The whole thing there is that if you wanted to spend a lot of money of course you could. Because if you go out every single night, it’s easy to get caught up in that, then of course you are gonna blow money. But it’s Assyria, I mean cheese, bread, you know what I mean? That stuff is super cheap. [00:21:07]
CLIENT: And I’m good with that. I get into a zone when I’m not around. You know like in London I pretty much ate the same thing like every day, and you know whatever. And then I’d just need beer money. There’s no way in hell I’m not gonna buy a cup of coffee and enjoy myself while I’m there. But I don’t need to go to clubs, I don’t need to have big dinners, I don’t need. So I think in that way, from what I’ve heard you can totally live very well. Because the kind of bars you are gonna go to are not going to be super high end. And once in a while you go, fine. But it’s not you know. I don’t know. We’ll see. [00:22:05]
CLIENT: You know the thing is now I’m realizing I really do know not just people there, but I know important people. There’s a woman here, used to work at Yale. Very nice lady, she’s French-Assyrian. She runs like a big non-profit thing in Assyria now. So there is her. This other friend, so there are people you know, so I think it is a little about just saying guys I’m coming, so let’s figure something out. I think there is plenty to actually do. It’s just about being there. But there is no way in Hell I’m just gonna. There has to be something to start off with. I’m not just gonna show up and wing it. That’s not, you know. [00:23:00] (1 min. pause)
[00:24:00] CLIENT: I think the key with all this is. I’m definitely; I have been sleeping kind of weird. I have been I don’t like it to be, as you know I don’t like it to be warm, so I turn the heat kind of way down, but my comforter is so fucking hot. So there’s times when I’m waking up kind of sweaty. I’ve noticed like almost every night I have this weird, it’s like then in the morning I’m like did I wake up? Or did I half dream something? What happened? I’ll have these weird things. Like I’ll wake up like kind of not feeling good or something or being sweaty, or I don’t know what. I don’t know if the cat wakes me up or. But yeah it’s like that’s, I don’t know what that, or I’m just literally too hot then under the I don’t know what the fuck it is. But I think just in general I think I just. It’s about dealing with this new place I’m in where it’s just. I feel a lot better, but it’s not very stable. I mean the day-to-day logistics aren’t. Now it’s like an artist’s existence now. Some days are like this, some days are like that. [00:25:04]
CLIENT: Trying to make money. Trying to figure out a job. Like things are like a little more, you know? Which is great. It’s more liberating, but it’s for someone who has had such a history of anxiety and stuff it’s a little.
THERAPIST: Yeah. More and more it like enters a reality of real lives. In a way it does cause more anxiety.
THERAPIST: There aren’t as many reflective, manic retreat.
CLIENT: Right.
THERAPIST: Which fuel the anxiety that you’re
CLIENT: And there is less of a conventional routine. You know
CLIENT: And that is great, but it does also mean. Excuse me. It also means more time with yourself. More time in your mind, all this stuff. You know? Not having that, even though it’s a fake security, but still it’s a sense, you know. I go to work at 9. I come home at 5. Every two weeks I get an envelope with a check. You know? [00:26:08]
CLIENT: it might be a false sense of security but it is a sense of security, you know? So all these things. All the changes going on, even in my family. I don’t know. It’s like a very. It’s a prolonged transitional period. You know? And a lot of it’s good, but. (long pause) [00:26:40]
CLIENT: And you know maybe the other thing that would happen in Assyria, without being too optimistic or whatever. But because it does have a different social way of life. You know maybe someone like me, that’s kind of what I need. [00:27:00]
CLIENT: Like just like I have my friends here. I cannot replicate. I sure as hell cannot replicate that. But just the idea that things move kind of slower. [00:28:10]
CLIENT: You can just sit in the café; it’s not a big fucking deal. There’s a, people just kind of there’s more of that Mediterranean, or whatever European. All that stuff. And that there is more of a real Bohemian there that probably won’t be there forever. But for right now, there are actual real Bohemians there. I don’t know. Somehow maybe they’ll. I’m not too hopeful, but I wonder if maybe there might be more a little bit more feeling like I belong somewhere. I also know what Assyrians from Assyria are like, and they’re not. They are also really fucking annoying. But I think there are enough people like me who are there. People come and go, there’s just a lot of activity. [00:29:04]
CLIENT: So I think you find your. That’s what I have heard at least. You find your group, and it’s awesome. That’s, you don’t have to associate with everyone in Assyria. It’s like here. You find like-minded people, you know? I don’t know.
THERAPIST: And then maybe with that comfort feeling like we belong in our lives outside. I think all of the forces that can get an [inaudible] or enlightening.
CLIENT: Yeah I mean. I don’t think they’ll ever go. I’m not like a, I don’t want to put it like up here. That will never go away I don’t think. I’m sure I’ll go there and then I’ll feel a little bit like the American outsider or whatever. But I have a feeling it will be more like how I felt in London or Europe. It’s just, that’s just the way it is over there. There’s something, a different energy. It is a different kind of demeanor that people have. [00:30:03]
CLIENT: And that has its own problems, but I think that is what kind of works for me, so. Yeah it somehow does make me feel more cozy and something. Like more
THERAPIST: More included.
CLIENT: Like part of something, yeah.
THERAPIST: And the [inaudible] is so tremendously [inaudible] all the time.
CLIENT: Yeah. [inaudible]
THERAPIST: Perhaps. At least that’s [inaudible]
CLIENT: I mean well it is. I got my book done in London. You know, it’s happened. So.
THERAPIST: That’s what I mean, so maybe when you’re in that place where you get to feel not so bad about yourself, you know what I mean? Like I fit in. I’m part of the community, not an outsider. But when that part quiets down is actually when you get the work done.
CLIENT: Right, right. [00:31:00]
THERAPIST: Where did you go when I was talking?
CLIENT: I don’t know. I just spaced out. I think I was just thinking about London, yeah I was thinking about the feeling, you know? I think it is also the excitement of it. It’s just like when they come here, I’m sure they, you feel this crazy energy and you just feel reenergized and whatever you know. So there is that. You know so. But yeah it’s the idea that you know you’re in a place where you feel like there are other people like you doing creative things, and it’s all good. It’s all okay, and no one’s you know. A lot of it is that there is no family. There is no, you’re completely untethered, you know? [00:32:00]
CLIENT: I have always said right, that’s the problem with Darien. I love, people like me love it here, but then we’re like we’re from here. Like it’s like we don’t want to leave you know, but I think that’s why you have to go and come back often. Because otherwise it’s. You know there are memories everywhere. It’s something. Everything is so familiar. That’s beautiful, but I think especially if you are an artistic person or an intellectual person you gotta shake that up and.
THERAPIST: You need it to get perspective on it too.
CLIENT: Yeah, yeah. Because no matter how much perspective you get, we’re human. You come back and over time you lose that perspective again. You gotta keep recharging.
THERAPIST: Anyway going to their childhood home area, all the stuff comes back.
CLIENT: That’s right, yeah. [00:33:03]
CLIENT: And that feeling of because seeing familiar faces, and it’s inevitable that you feel a little like what’s changing really? Like this is it. I’m here and this is it. Same people every year, year in, year out, same place. That can start having negative, instead of having that nice familial you know.
THERAPIST: It just stop being cozy.
CLIENT: Yeah. Yeah. Because other people start looking stuck to you. At least to me it did. Oh wow, how many years have you been at that job? Like. (pause) [00:34:04]
CLIENT: I don’t know I think it’s pretty exciting the more I think about it. Because really what other opportunity am I gonna have to enact my plan? There are no job offers to teach in Berlin or, it’s just not happening right now. They have their own soaring hot unemployment you know. This is an opportunity. Especially when their department is brand new, and when I know people. And I have a book. You know like there are a lot of ingredients where I could go there and after a semester or two whatever, really start kind of making a place for myself, you know? Then you come and go. It’s pretty simple.
THERAPIST: [inaudible].
CLIENT: Yes right, right right. Yeah, yeah. There is also the now I can see for sure what’s it’s like with Assyrian women. [00:35:05]
CLIENT: Like I’ll then be like okay now I know. I’ll either know that it’s clearly me, I cannot seem to commit to it does not matter what they are. Or it could also be like, well you know what I’m willing to deal with whatever downsides I thought there were with non-Assyrian. There’s also a downside, and this downside I don’t like as much as. Yeah like there’s also that, so. But at least I’ll know. Like because I know myself. If I married someone here and got really, and got really. Then I went to Assyria. I know myself. Like you know I’m so anti-regret, I’d be like I’m an idiot for not at least visiting here and just seeing what it’s like to interact with you know. So I think that needs to happen. [00:36:00]
CLIENT: You know of course now the other thing is that, let’s say it’s all great. The pay is fine, whatever. It’s gonna take money to get there. That’s one. I mean I guess I could go I’ll probably stay with people a little bit, you know. But it’s still. It’s an expense, so I gotta figure that out. (pause)
CLIENT: Where’s my jacket?
THERAPIST: I don’t know. Did you leave it out there?
CLIENT: I think I left it in the bathroom. What should I do?
THERAPIST: We’re done in 3 or 4 minutes so you can go in a few minutes, or you can go get it now if you want.
CLIENT: Shouldn’t I? I feel weird.
THERAPIST: Up to you.
CLIENT: Yeah let me go grab it. I’m sorry.
THERAPIST: It’s okay?
CLIENT: Yeah I left it on the chair. This is the kind of shit I have been doing man.
THERAPIST: Funny that just occurred to you.
CLIENT: That’s how it’s been.
THERAPIST: Why, why right then?
CLIENT: Well you know like you get into a thing like when you do things regularly. Like I have a habit. Like I’ll be okay it’s probably. I sense when it might be time that we’re done, so I’ll start like I won’t leave my hat. I left it here once before, you know. It’s kind of like.
THERAPIST: [inaudible] [00:38:03]
CLIENT: Yeah yeah. I told you what happened with my phone right? Oh my god, oh my God. The other day I did a bunch of errands. I came home, I’m talking to my Mom. I go to my back pocket no phone. I’m like oh it’s probably upstairs, no phone. I go to my car, no phone. Flipped out. I had just gotten this fucking phone, you know? So I’m like oh my God, I left it at the store? I call them, they’re looking for it, and they don’t have it. I drive there in a mad rush. The guy comes out, we take the garbage out because I threw away some garbage, I somehow threw. A nightmare. I get all the way home, I had checked these fucking pockets, but I did not check the inside pocket. That’s what.
THERAPIST: At least you have it. [00:39:00]
CLIENT: What’s that?
THERAPIST: at least you have it.
CLIENT: Yeah, yeah. Well I just laughed. I was like dude that’s how distracted I am. Like that’s how, yeah. Anyway. Thank you Claire. So I’ll see you Wednesday.
THERAPIST: See you Wednesday.
CLIENT: Have a good weekend.