

Writes the textual representations of the given items into the standard output.


func print(_ items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n")



Zero or more items to print.


A string to print between each item. The default is a single space (" ").


The string to print after all items have been printed. The default is a newline ("\n").


You can pass zero or more items to the print(_:separator:terminator:) function. The textual representation for each item is the same as that obtained by calling String(item). The following example prints a string, a closed range of integers, and a group of floating-point values to standard output:

print("One two three four five")
// Prints "One two three four five"

// Prints "1...5"

print(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
// Prints "1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0"

To print the items separated by something other than a space, pass a string as separator.

print(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, separator: " ... ")
// Prints "1.0 ... 2.0 ... 3.0 ... 4.0 ... 5.0"

The output from each call to print(_:separator:terminator:) includes a newline by default. To print the items without a trailing newline, pass an empty string as terminator.

for n in 1...5 {
    print(n, terminator: "")
// Prints "12345"

See Also

Printing and Dumping

func print<Target>(Any, separator: String, terminator: String, to: inout Target)

Writes the textual representations of the given items into the given output stream.

func debugPrint(Any, separator: String, terminator: String)

Writes the textual representations of the given items most suitable for debugging into the standard output.

func debugPrint<Target>(Any, separator: String, terminator: String, to: inout Target)

Writes the textual representations of the given items most suitable for debugging into the given output stream.

func dump<T>(T, name: String?, indent: Int, maxDepth: Int, maxItems: Int) -> T

Dumps the given object’s contents using its mirror to standard output.

func dump<T, TargetStream>(T, to: inout TargetStream, name: String?, indent: Int, maxDepth: Int, maxItems: Int) -> T

Dumps the given object’s contents using its mirror to the specified output stream.