Fortify your code with runtime checks, and examine your values' runtime representation.
Debugging and Reflection
Printing and Dumping
func print(Any, separator: String, terminator: String)
Writes the textual representations of the given items into the standard output.
func print<Target>(Any, separator: String, terminator: String, to: inout Target)
Writes the textual representations of the given items into the given output stream.
func debug Print(Any, separator: String, terminator: String)
Writes the textual representations of the given items most suitable for debugging into the standard output.
func debug Print<Target>(Any, separator: String, terminator: String, to: inout Target)
Writes the textual representations of the given items most suitable for debugging into the given output stream.
func dump<T>(T, name: String?, indent: Int, max Depth: Int, max Items: Int) -> T
Dumps the given object’s contents using its mirror to standard output.
func dump<T, Target Stream>(T, to: inout Target Stream, name: String?, indent: Int, max Depth: Int, max Items: Int) -> T
Dumps the given object’s contents using its mirror to the specified output stream.
func assert(() -> Bool, () -> String, file: Static String, line: UInt)
Performs a traditional C-style assert with an optional message.
func assertion Failure(() -> String, file: Static String, line: UInt)
Indicates that an internal sanity check failed.
func precondition(() -> Bool, () -> String, file: Static String, line: UInt)
Checks a necessary condition for making forward progress.
func precondition Failure(() -> String, file: Static String, line: UInt) -> Never
Indicates that a precondition was violated.
Exiting a Program
func fatal Error(() -> String, file: Static String, line: UInt) -> Never
Unconditionally prints a given message and stops execution.
enum Never
The return type of functions that do not return normally, that is, a type with no values.
Querying Runtime Values
struct Mirror
A representation of the substructure and display style of an instance of any type.
struct Object Identifier
A unique identifier for a class instance or metatype.
func type<T, Metatype>(of: T) -> Metatype
Returns the dynamic type of a value.
func == (Any .Type?, Any .Type?) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two types are identical.
func != (Any .Type?, Any .Type?) -> Bool
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two types are not identical.
Customizing Your Type's Reflection
Provide a custom reflection for your types using these protocols.
protocol Custom Reflectable
A type that explicitly supplies its own mirror.
protocol Custom Leaf Reflectable
A type that explicitly supplies its own mirror, but whose descendant classes are not represented in the mirror unless they also override custom
protocol Custom Playground Display Convertible
A type that supplies a custom description for playground logging.
typealias Playground Quick Look
The sum of types that can be used as a Quick Look representation.
See Also
Programming Tasks
Print values to the console, read from and write to text streams, and use command line arguments.
Use key-path expressions to access properties dynamically.
Allocate and manage memory manually.
Perform casts between types or represent values of any type.
Use imported C types or call C variadic functions.
Work with prefix, postfix, and infix operators.