

An integer type that uses a fixed size for every instance.


protocol FixedWidthInteger where Self.Magnitude : FixedWidthInteger, Self.Magnitude : UnsignedInteger, Self.Stride : FixedWidthInteger, Self.Stride : SignedInteger


The FixedWidthInteger protocol adds binary bitwise operations, bit shifts, and overflow handling to the operations supported by the BinaryInteger protocol.

Use the FixedWidthInteger protocol as a constraint or extension point when writing operations that depend on bit shifting, performing bitwise operations, catching overflows, or having access to the maximum or minimum representable value of a type. For example, the following code provides a binaryString property on every fixed-width integer that represents the number’s binary representation, split into 8-bit chunks.

extension FixedWidthInteger {
    var binaryString: String {
        var result: [String] = []
        for i in 0..<(Self.bitWidth / 8) {
            let byte = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: self >> (i * 8))
            let byteString = String(byte, radix: 2)
            let padding = String(repeating: "0",
                                 count: 8 - byteString.count)
            result.append(padding + byteString)
        return "0b" + result.reversed().joined(separator: "_")

// Prints "0b01111111_11111111"
print((101 as UInt8).binaryString)
// Prints "0b11001001"

The binaryString implementation uses the static bitWidth property and the right shift operator (>>), both of which are available to any type that conforms to the FixedWidthInteger protocol.

The next example declares a generic squared function, which accepts an instance x of any fixed-width integer type. The function uses the multipliedReportingOverflow(by:) method to multiply x by itself and check whether the result is too large to represent in the same type.

func squared<T: FixedWidthInteger>(_ x: T) -> T? {
    let (result, overflow) = x.multipliedReportingOverflow(by: x)
    if overflow {
        return nil
    return result

let (x, y): (Int8, Int8) = (9, 123)
// Prints "Optional(81)"
// Prints "nil"

Conforming to the FixedWidthInteger Protocol

To make your own custom type conform to the FixedWidthInteger protocol, declare the required initializers, properties, and methods. The required methods that are suffixed with ReportingOverflow serve as the customization points for arithmetic operations. When you provide just those methods, the standard library provides default implementations for all other arithmetic methods and operators.



init?<S>(S, radix: Int)

Creates a new integer value from the given string and radix.

init(bigEndian: Self)

Creates an integer from its big-endian representation, changing the byte order if necessary.

Required. Default implementation provided.

init(littleEndian: Self)

Creates an integer from its little-endian representation, changing the byte order if necessary.

Required. Default implementation provided.

Instance Properties

var bigEndian: Self

The big-endian representation of this integer.

Required. Default implementation provided.

var byteSwapped: Self

A representation of this integer with the byte order swapped.


var leadingZeroBitCount: Int

The number of leading zeros in this value’s binary representation.


var littleEndian: Self

The little-endian representation of this integer.

Required. Default implementation provided.

var nonzeroBitCount: Int

The number of bits equal to 1 in this value’s binary representation.


Type Properties

static var bitWidth: Int

The number of bits used for the underlying binary representation of values of this type.

Required. Default implementation provided.

static var max: Self

The maximum representable integer in this type.


static var min: Self

The minimum representable integer in this type.


Instance Methods

func addingReportingOverflow(Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: Bool)

Returns the sum of this value and the given value, along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred in the operation.


func dividedReportingOverflow(by: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: Bool)

Returns the quotient obtained by dividing this value by the given value, along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred in the operation.


func dividingFullWidth((high: Self, low: Self.Magnitude)) -> (quotient: Self, remainder: Self)

Returns a tuple containing the quotient and remainder obtained by dividing the given value by this value.


func multipliedFullWidth(by: Self) -> (high: Self, low: Self.Magnitude)

Returns a tuple containing the high and low parts of the result of multiplying this value by the given value.


func multipliedReportingOverflow(by: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: Bool)

Returns the product of this value and the given value, along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred in the operation.


func remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy: Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: Bool)

Returns the remainder after dividing this value by the given value, along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred during division.


func subtractingReportingOverflow(Self) -> (partialValue: Self, overflow: Bool)

Returns the difference obtained by subtracting the given value from this value, along with a Boolean value indicating whether overflow occurred in the operation.


Type Methods

static func random(in: ClosedRange<Self>) -> Self

Returns a random value within the specified range.

static func random(in: Range<Self>) -> Self

Returns a random value within the specified range.

static func random<T>(in: ClosedRange<Self>, using: inout T) -> Self

Returns a random value within the specified range, using the given generator as a source for randomness.

static func random<T>(in: Range<Self>, using: inout T) -> Self

Returns a random value within the specified range, using the given generator as a source for randomness.

Operator Functions

static func &* (Self, Self) -> Self

Returns the product of the two given values, wrapping the result in case of any overflow.

static func &*= (inout Self, Self)

Multiplies two values and stores the result in the left-hand-side variable, wrapping any overflow.

static func &+ (Self, Self) -> Self

Returns the sum of the two given values, wrapping the result in case of any overflow.

static func &+= (inout Self, Self)

Adds two values and stores the result in the left-hand-side variable, wrapping any overflow.

static func &- (Self, Self) -> Self

Returns the difference of the two given values, wrapping the result in case of any overflow.

static func &-= (inout Self, Self)

Subtracts the second value from the first and stores the difference in the left-hand-side variable, wrapping any overflow.

static func &<< (Self, Self) -> Self

Returns the result of shifting a value’s binary representation the specified number of digits to the left, masking the shift amount to the type’s bit width.

Required. Default implementations provided.

static func &<<= (inout Self, Self)

Returns the result of shifting a value’s binary representation the specified number of digits to the left, masking the shift amount to the type’s bit width, and stores the result in the left-hand-side variable.

Required. Default implementation provided.

static func &>> (Self, Self) -> Self

Returns the result of shifting a value’s binary representation the specified number of digits to the right, masking the shift amount to the type’s bit width.

Required. Default implementations provided.

static func &>>= (inout Self, Self)

Calculates the result of shifting a value’s binary representation the specified number of digits to the right, masking the shift amount to the type’s bit width, and stores the result in the left-hand-side variable.

Required. Default implementation provided.

See Also


protocol BinaryInteger

An integer type with a binary representation.

protocol SignedInteger

An integer type that can represent both positive and negative values.

protocol UnsignedInteger

An integer type that can represent only nonnegative values.