Generic Class


A key path that supports reading from and writing to the resulting value.


class WritableKeyPath<Root, Value> : KeyPath<Root, Value>


Instance Methods

func appending<Root>(path: AnyKeyPath) -> PartialKeyPath<Root>?

Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.

func appending(path: AnyKeyPath) -> AnyKeyPath?

Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.

func appending<Root, Value, AppendedValue>(path: KeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>) -> KeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>

Returns a new key path created by appending the given key path to this one.

Operator Functions

static func != (WritableKeyPath<Root, Value>, WritableKeyPath<Root, Value>) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.


Inherits From

See Also

Writable Key Paths

class ReferenceWritableKeyPath

A key path that supports reading from and writing to the resulting value with reference semantics.