Instance Property


The number of bits required to represent the value’s significand.


var significandWidth: Int { get }


If this value is a finite nonzero number, significandWidth is the number of fractional bits required to represent the value of significand; otherwise, significandWidth is -1. The value of significandWidth is always -1 or between zero and significandBitCount. For example:

  • For any representable power of two, significandWidth is zero, because significand is 1.0.

  • If x is 10, x.significand is 1.01 in binary, so x.significandWidth is 2.

  • If x is Float.pi, x.significand is 1.10010010000111111011011 in binary, and x.significandWidth is 23.


From Protocol

See Also

Working with Binary Representation

var bitPattern: UInt64

The bit pattern of the value’s encoding.

var significandBitPattern: UInt64

The raw encoding of the value’s significand field.

var exponentBitPattern: UInt

The raw encoding of the value’s exponent field.

static var significandBitCount: Int

The available number of fractional significand bits.

static var exponentBitCount: Int

The number of bits used to represent the type’s exponent.

static var radix: Int

The radix, or base of exponentiation, for this floating-point type.

init(bitPattern: UInt64)

Creates a new value with the given bit pattern.

init(sign: FloatingPointSign, exponentBitPattern: UInt, significandBitPattern: UInt64)

Creates a new instance from the specified sign and bit patterns.

init(nan: Double.RawSignificand, signaling: Bool)

Creates a NaN (“not a number”) value with the specified payload.

typealias Double.Exponent

A type that can represent any written exponent.

typealias Double.RawSignificand

A type that represents the encoded significand of a value.