Type Property


The number of bits used to represent the type’s exponent.


static var exponentBitCount: Int { get }


A binary floating-point type’s exponentBitCount imposes a limit on the range of the exponent for normal, finite values. The exponent bias of a type F can be calculated as the following, where ** is exponentiation:

let bias = 2 ** (F.exponentBitCount - 1) - 1

The least normal exponent for values of the type F is 1 - bias, and the largest finite exponent is bias. An all-zeros exponent is reserved for subnormals and zeros, and an all-ones exponent is reserved for infinity and NaN.

For example, the Float type has an exponentBitCount of 8, which gives an exponent bias of 127 by the calculation above.

let bias = 2 ** (Float.exponentBitCount - 1) - 1
// bias == 127
// Prints "127"
// Prints "-126"


From Protocol

See Also

Working with Binary Representation

var bitPattern: UInt64

The bit pattern of the value’s encoding.

var significandBitPattern: UInt64

The raw encoding of the value’s significand field.

var significandWidth: Int

The number of bits required to represent the value’s significand.

var exponentBitPattern: UInt

The raw encoding of the value’s exponent field.

static var significandBitCount: Int

The available number of fractional significand bits.

static var radix: Int

The radix, or base of exponentiation, for this floating-point type.

init(bitPattern: UInt64)

Creates a new value with the given bit pattern.

init(sign: FloatingPointSign, exponentBitPattern: UInt, significandBitPattern: UInt64)

Creates a new instance from the specified sign and bit patterns.

init(nan: Double.RawSignificand, signaling: Bool)

Creates a NaN (“not a number”) value with the specified payload.

typealias Double.Exponent

A type that can represent any written exponent.

typealias Double.RawSignificand

A type that represents the encoded significand of a value.